Hello Rob, Jeff, and List,

Jeff asked:

> I am curious if anyone knows of recovered meteorites
> which have had sonic booms heard/felt during their fall.

Rob responded:

> the Bovedy fall of April 1969, Northern Ireland produced (sonic?) booms
> that were caught on audio tape. And the Leighlinbridge fall (Ireland again,
> but Eire) was reported to have rattled windows and tripped burglar alarms
> witnesses thought that a bomb had exploded.

Here is some more of interest, so enjoy:

1. Adzhi-Bogdo (LL3-6):

Black objects that produced crackling sounds like gunshots,
flew eastward through the heavens trailing green smoke.

2. Allegan (H5):

The explosion was reported as cannon-like, and was followed by a
hissing sound compared with that of an engine blowing off steam.

3. Cabin Creek (IIIA):

People in the town of Dardanelle, about 25 km southeast of the landing site,
were startled by an unusually loud report, accompanied by a peculiar  whizzing
sound as if hot metal had come in contact with water.

4. Crumlin (L5):

..  a noise like thunder or the rolling of drums broke overhead.
.. described the report as twofold and followed by a whizzing
noise or the sound of escaping steam.

5. Felix (CO3):

.. his attention was attracted by a loud rumbling
noise sounding very much like thunder.

6. Hatford (1628):

.. a hizzing noise made way through the air, not unlike
the flying of bullets from the mouth of great ordnance, ...

7. Holbrook (L6):

The noise it created was very loud and lasted for at least half a minute
and sounded somewhat like distant thunder, or the booming of a cannon
in the distance.

This noise has been variously likened by witnesses, to the rumbling of a
rapidly driven farm wagon on a rough road, to escaping steam, to distant
or long continued thunder or the booming of a cannon.

8. Magombedze (H6):

The fall was proceeded by three loud detonation sounds and
'an approaching aeroplane-like noise,' landing with a thud ...

9. Mooresfort (H5):

Appearance of moving cloud and sounds like thunder.

10. Noblesville (H4):

No light or sound except for the  w h i r r i n g  sound
as it passed and the thud in the ground was noticed.

They were facing south and heard a "low pitched whistle" or "whirring" sound
as the meteorite passed them coming from the north or slightly west of north.

11. Pontlyfni (WIN)

.. he heard a rushing, whistling sound.

.. a peculiar whistling noise as of a projectile.

12. Rowton (IIIA):

.. the sound was heard as of something falling during a heavy shower
of rain, accompanied by a hissing and then a rumbling noise.

a strange rumbling noise was heard in the atmosphere, followed almost
instantaneously by a startling explosion resembling a discharge of heavy

13. Stratford (L6): A whistling sound was heard.

13. St. Robert (H5):

At least one observer noted electrophonic sounds
heard simultaneously with the passage of the fireball.

14. Campos Sales (L4): ... a loud buzzing noise

Most observers reported astonishment by the fireball, the sonic boom,
and the whizzing ("like the sound of bullets") of the falling stones.

15. Piplia Kalan (EUC):

The meteorite was accompanied by three loud widely
heard detonations, a hissing sound along the trail, ...

16. Juancheng (H5):

They heard a roaring sound for 2 to 3 minutes, ...

17. Ashdon (L6):

He heard a loud "sissing" noise and supposed
that an aeroplane was overhead.

18. Baldwyn (L6): ... humming noise

19. Binningup (H5): ... whistling noise

20. Middlesbrough (L6):

.. heard a whizzing or rushing noise in the air, ...

21. Peckelsheim (DIO): ... a whining noise

22. Quesa (IRANOM):

They heard a brief noise as of an approaching storm.

23. Rampurhat (LL): ... a roaring noise

24. Ruhobobo (L6): ...a noise like that of a jet aeroplane

25. Sharps (H3): ... a  w h i r r i n g  noise

26. Trebbin (LL6):

The fall was accompanied by a loud hissing noise, ...

27. Warrenton (CO3): ... a whistling noise

28. Wold Cottage (L6):

.. heard various noises in the air, like pistols, or distant guns at sea,
felt two distinct concussions of the earth, and heard a hissing noise
passing through the air ...

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