Re: [meteorite-list] Nakhla dog bashing - other interpretations

2004-11-03 Thread David Weir
David Freeman wrote: > > We have lost our humor when we decide there could have been no dog! > Dave (the other dog) Freeman Sorry, I thought the image of an Egyptian raccoon scampering away from the scene was pretty funny :) David (not

Re: [meteorite-list] God Bless Challenger.

2004-01-28 Thread David Freeman
ssage - From: "David Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "meteorite-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "meteorite collectors association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:20 AM Subject: [meteorite-list] God Bless Challenger. Dear L

Re: [meteorite-list] Down Under Connection (0ff topic delete) hunting Apex Chert

2004-08-09 Thread David Freeman
As an added note: Apex Chert has some of the same mico fossils as ALH84001 Not as off topic as I once thought! DF (who could use a good head soaking) David Freeman wrote: Dear List; Please forgive my off topic request. I seek an Australian person who could offer any information on my

Re: [meteorite-list] utah meteorites

2002-12-28 Thread almitt
Hi David, Michael F., Bill Jensen and all, I'm not so sure we haven't open Pandora's Box here ;-) A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing :-) --AL David Freeman wrote: > Don't be so cheap and buy the Catalogue of meteorites or Anne's Book. > D F

[meteorite-list] [Fwd: RE: Dunite]

2004-05-05 Thread David Freeman
:// -Original Message- From: David Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 3:27 PM To: Dan NEW address Subject: Dunite Dear Dan, I am doing some searching on the meteorite list and the topic of dunite came up as it is in a few meteorites and we have

[meteorite-list] Re: Poor Art!!

2003-03-29 Thread David Freeman
scale with the Portales asphalt stone. Any Japanese trying to get any of the vehicles with roof dents? Good luck and safe trip home, Dave Freeman David Freeman wrote: Dear List; Poor Art! He has a birthday. Meteorite falls on birthday. Meteorite creates list insanity. List uses a ton of band

Re: [meteorite-list] Yafa fall: prices

2003-12-13 Thread David Freeman
tom) M Yousef wrote: David, I still respect your first name, but you really seem to be obsessed. I hope one day you will become 'free man'. From: David Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: M Yousef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Yafa fall

[meteorite-list] HERE IT IS!

2003-11-18 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; Anyone near a TV in the Salt Lake City area may want to turn to KUTV2 as in the next few minutes, the Star of the Tucson Video who introduced Bob Verish, notable Wyoming meteorite hunter, Dave Freeman will be on your tv screen. Have fun! Best, Dave Freeman IMCA #3864 ebay user ID

[meteorite-list] September Birthdays

2002-02-19 Thread David Freeman
Dear Listees; So, how many of us have birthday's in September??? And how many of those would be in Denver during the September show? 9/9/53, Dave Freeman __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] Funky monkey viral alert!

2004-11-29 Thread David Freeman
Dear List members with out virus protection; One of our Italian members has a virus emitting from his yahoo addressdon't open his "warning" message. Dave Freeman mjwy __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://six.pairl

[meteorite-list] Trying to contact Peter

2005-02-21 Thread David Freeman
Dear Peter, List; I am trying to contact Peter Scherff. Can I get a phone number/address, please email me off list. Thank you, Dave Freeman mjwy __ Meteorite-list mailing list


2003-10-16 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; The benefit auction ends about the time you read this. Some one will make many IMCA members very very happy with a very large donation! Stay tuned! Dave Freeman IMCA #3864 __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http

[meteorite-list] bread basket occupants

2002-03-22 Thread David Freeman
Dear listees; I seek a list member that resides near Council Bluffs, Lincoln, or Topeka...near meaning a couple hours driveor less. Cloak and no dagger, Dave Freeman Rock Springstoofaraway __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http

RE: [meteorite-list] God Bless Challenger.

2004-01-28 Thread Charles Viau
] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Freeman Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:55 AM To: Michael Farmer; meteorite collectors association; meteorite-list Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] God Bless Challenger. Dear Mike; I don't know what makes me stupider, CNN TV news, or the flu crud

Re: [meteorite-list] Is this a meteorite or just a wierd rock?

2003-12-08 Thread David Freeman
Dear David; My guess is slag due to the crystalline structure on the end. Being lightly attracted to a magnet rules out magnetite that would also be on the short list. Any rail road with in 10 miles? Dave Freeman Wyoming Meteorite Recovery Team Leader IMCA #3864 ebay user ID mjwy auctions

Re: [meteorite-list] Which one came closest?

2004-10-15 Thread David Freeman
Dear Andre; OK, I BITE, WHAT TOWN WOULD THAT BE NEAR? Left me hanging, D Freeman Deborah Martin wrote: St-Robert, 1994 Andre Bordeleau __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] ventifacted iron on Earth

2005-01-18 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; If any would like a picture of a banded iron of 2.87 byo that is ventifacted and has been glaciated, ask me and I will send a picture or two. Best, DAve Freeman mjwy __ Meteorite-list mailing list http

Re: [meteorite-list] AZ hunt

2004-02-29 Thread David Freeman
No whining and bickering? I must have the wrong list... Check the list archives for good dialogue. Best, Dave Freeman quote of the day: Best meteorite hunting grounds are the new ones you discover yourself as it hasn't been picked to death. ~Dave Freeman ebay user ID mjwy auctions running

[meteorite-list] Scale Cubes

2004-09-04 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; List member Peter Scherff has scale cubes (as seen in meteorite "as found" pictures"). For those wanting to increase their Karma at meteorite hunting, email Peter for getting your cubes today! A very satisfied repeat customer, Dave Freeman mjwy [

[meteorite-list] Killer thread

2004-07-10 Thread David Freeman
Oops, I meant thread killer in the subject. I seem to notice that when I post, that 36% of the time, the thread dies after I postHas anyone else noticed this unusual occurance, and does it happen to them? D Freeman __ Meteorite-list mailing

[meteorite-list] We shall try again

2002-03-22 Thread David Freeman
Dear Listees; I seek out an adventurous sort of person that lives in the Lincoln, Nebraska, Council Bluffs, or Topeka, Kansas area. Better luck getting this request to post, Dave Freeman (too far west, or only one internet line to Wyoming

Re: [meteorite-list] More Great News IT"S FIVE O'CLOCK SOMEWHERE!

2004-12-04 Thread David Freeman
ways noon here, cool! Greg - Original Message - From: "E. L. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "David Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: "meteorite-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 1:23 AM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list]

Re: [meteorite-list] New logo in style

2002-01-07 Thread capricorn89
That looks good, Matt. I have the small logo on my homepage and the larger at the bottom of the menu page where I have all the links. Ron Hartman - Original Message - From: Matt Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: David Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; meteorite-

[meteorite-list] God Bless Challenger.

2004-01-28 Thread David Freeman
Dear List members; Today is the one year anniversary of the Challenger's last flight. God Bless the crew members that gave all, and the families that have given their most precious. A moment of pause and remembrance seems to be fitting for me. Sincerely, Dave Fr

[meteorite-list] Leucifer's Hammer

2004-02-26 Thread David Freeman
Dear List, I ordered my copy of Lucifer's Hammer at B.Dalton book store today, price $5.70 + tax. Thought you'd all like to know, I will offer a concise short book review after I read it if the list is dead. Best, DAve Freeman Ebay us

Re: [meteorite-list] please unsubscribe me

2002-08-10 Thread David Freeman
Thank you, From any great number of us... of any great number of colors. And now back to meteoritesand those that may or may not have attacked Egyptian dogs a long time ago. D. Freeman Rosemary Hackney wrote: > Please unsubscribe meThanks... Ro

[meteorite-list] New logo in style

2002-01-07 Thread David Freeman
Dear List, I have my logo transferred to a very good quality sweat shirt and it looks superb! Anyone wishing a picture of said logo with me modeling product, email me privately. The logo is just magnificent! Best darn seal! Dave Freeman #3864

[meteorite-list] What weather!

2003-02-28 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; Could or would anyone like to offer any short explanation of the different weathering grades. W1 to W 4, which is freshest, and any criteria for each? I am too tired and lazy to hunt up the information at the moment. Thank you in advance, Dave Freeman

[meteorite-list] impactite vs. impact glass

2003-03-19 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; Is there a defined difference between impact glass and impactite? I see one picture of an impact glass that was hard to discern from impactite. So, lost as usual, is there a definition, or is it just a difference in the melt degree? Thank you, Dave Freeman

[meteorite-list] Denver Show

2004-08-20 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; For those planning on attending the Denver show coming up very soon, it is not being held the the traditional second week and weekend this year! Show will be the third week, and third weekend! How unusual! 14th. though 19th..mmm have to reschedule my trip to Paris. Best, D Freeman

[meteorite-list] Who is this Proud Tom

2004-01-24 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; So, who is this Proud Tom who hides in the shadows of women's skirts? What is the Sister Julia connection to Proud Tom? Show your face, you coward!Not enough clues... he is but a cowering dog who yields the knife in his key strokes! Dave Fr

Re: [meteorite-list] U.S. mail

2002-06-02 Thread David Freeman
Freeman ebay ID mjwy Charlie Devine wrote: >Jamie and David, > >Jamie wrote: > > >Seems about the only things the postal > >service can deliver on time are bills. > >The US Postal Service doesn't deliver mail in Europe for heaven's sake! >Onc

[meteorite-list] Salutation requirment.......

2004-12-10 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; I couldn't find where it was at but isn't it part of posting to the list to sign/initial our posts? I seem to though it was part of the list requirements, or am I dreaming again? Sincerely proud of who I am, Dave Freeman IMCA #3864 ...and finder of the Rock Springs

[meteorite-list] Franconia Wash Revisited.

2004-04-27 Thread David Freeman
good thing, small picture, it bites. Yours, Dave Freeman mjwy __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] Before it's time to draw, Partner....know where the drawin' is...

2003-01-24 Thread David Freeman
Dear Listees; Please be sure to note that the Birthday Bash and the Michael Blood Auction have switched nights from last year! I was out kicking cow pies when the nights changed I guess. Thanks johnny G. for bringing this to my attention! BIG DAVE FREEMAN FROM ROCK SPRINGS WYOMING

[meteorite-list] Meteoric water?

2003-07-05 Thread David Freeman
presently. Thank you in advance for any input, Dave Freeman __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] Re: Down Under Connection (0ff topic delete) hunting Apex Chert

2004-08-09 Thread Robert Verish
in Western Australia. <; d=Astrobio421&ext=Astrobio421.doc> [meteorite-list] Down Under Connection (0ff topic delete) hunting Apex Chert David Freeman dfreeman at Mon Aug 9 21:38:52 EDT 2004

Re: [meteorite-list] Fw: Matteo...And the letter from "The Wiz"

2004-09-21 Thread David Freeman
DING, DING, DING! WE HAVE A WINNER HERE FOLKS! Da'udder-udder Dave David Weir wrote: How about Sphagetti and Meatball. David __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] Down Under Connection (0ff topic delete) hunting Apex Chert

2004-08-09 Thread David Freeman
.. Best, Dave Freeman mjwy __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] Happy Birthday, Mr. Freeman!

2003-09-09 Thread moni waiblinger-seabridge
Hi All, i hope you don't mind me using up some band width for one of our list- members! David Freeman has a birthday today! Happy Birthday and thanks for your additions to the list. I enjoy reading them, Moni _ Get 10MB

Re: [meteorite-list] Images from Mars on CNN!

2004-01-04 Thread David Freeman
CONGRATULATIONS! Is it time to start selling more stromatolites yet? Truly a MAGNIFICENT ACCOMPLISHMENT! Dave Freeman mjwy Matson, Robert wrote: Congratulationg JPL! Fantastic images from Mars just broadcast on CNN! Rocks visible in the foreground, as well as at least one of the airbags

[meteorite-list] Anothorsite

2004-07-20 Thread David Freeman
you like. Comments? Best, Dave Freeman __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] Terresterial ages

2002-08-25 Thread David Freeman
ds or much less?) in the deserts. Thanks in advance, Dave Freeman __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] Help, I have alzheimers...

2002-12-06 Thread David Freeman
his name. Thanks in advance, Dave Freeman Rock Springs, WY __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] unusual ebay listing for Christmas! AD iron bomb fragments

2003-12-09 Thread David Freeman
Freeman IMCA# 3864 mjwy with auctions running! __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] Mars and meteorite debris and stromatolite

2004-04-01 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; I seem to have captured a nice Martian-like picture of red dirt and stromatolite debris (like we could dream they may find on Mars) if anyone wanted a picture...or the first dozen of you any way, send me an email. Especially if you are affiliated with NASA or JPL. Dave Freeman

[meteorite-list] Auction delete

2002-11-03 Thread David Freeman
gibeon soon. Best Sundays, Dave Freeman Millennium Jade of Wyoming minerals, meteorites, petrified wood NJJ = not just jade. __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] Really poor taste fake pictures of shuttle

2003-03-11 Thread David Freeman
to investigate where they came from please contact me off list. Dave Freeman __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning

2003-12-30 Thread Randy Mils
I have been thinking the same thing myself.  I checked his group and there are only 13 members of his little entourage.  Let's call them Matteo's groupiesRandy Bah  The prices is in ruin >From: DNAndrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: David Freeman <[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: [meteorite-list] August eclipse in Wyoming

2017-03-02 Thread David Freeman via Meteorite-list
My previous post left some confusion, clear night skies for viewing at night would add fun to the day viewing of the eclipse.  Clear skies and, With my regards, David Freeman Rock Springs WY 82902 41.6°N 109.22°W (Elev. 6324 ft) On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:56 AM, tracy latimer via

Re: [meteorite-list] What's in a name, no high jacking here!

2005-02-20 Thread JKGwilliam
ll Valley Rimmy Jims Grapevine Paradise Hermit's Rest and finally Hooker's Hot Springs And if you want more to dream about, we've got more. Best, JKG At 04:26 PM 2/20/2005, David Freeman wrote: Dear List; My thread was a dream list of locally occurring names that you could go hunt u

[meteorite-list] Mars NOVA NEW PBS Tuesday on Nova

2004-01-04 Thread David Freeman
New updates Mars: Dead or Alive! New show update will air via NOVA PBS on Tuesday night, don't miss it! The show just over was magnificent! Abundant pictures of how the Mars project got to the surfacenow to learn what is there! Best Wishes to JPL and NASA, Well done so far! Dave Fr

Re: [meteorite-list] G.N. phone home

2004-01-25 Thread David Freeman
Dear Geoff, Thought you'd like to know, check your email box, it is full buddy. Very Best, DAve Freeman Notkin wrote: Michael B. posted: What the hay is a "Tucson show fee number?" Dear Michael: That's the little ticket stub they give you, so you can see the Dancing Meteo

[meteorite-list] Wisconsin Geology 101 at Madison museum

2005-01-06 Thread David Freeman
meteorites. Does IMCA have a representative in the state of Wisconsin? Best, Dave Freeman (who passed through Madison fairly often, and usually gets lost) __ Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad~ Atomic absorption spectro photometer

2005-01-31 Thread David Freeman
back guarantee. Used for metals prospecting...I do not know if it would be of value to test meteorites. Thanks for your look, Dave Freeman mjwy Rock Springs, WY __ Meteorite-list mailing list http

Re: [meteorite-list] unbelievable!!!

2002-12-06 Thread David Freeman
Dear List and Gregory, I thought it was just me that found the post pretty unfulfilling. Thank you Gregory for expressing my  thoughts more eloquently than I could have. Best, Dave Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: has anyone ever seen ** like this? Congratulations.  It&#

Re: [meteorite-list] Chicago

2003-03-28 Thread David Freeman
Dear Nelson, list; I predict that if all go home with what they now have, that ebay will be filled with inexpensive Chicago meteorites in a month or twoor the scientists/museums will be trading it for other meteorites that they do not have specimens of. Dave Freeman Nelson Oakes wrote

[meteorite-list] David Freeman- scale

2003-01-28 Thread Ben Fisler
David,  You can get a nice electronic scale to weigh meteorites in Tucson at: Canyon State Prospecting Equipment 520-574-2401, or at Desert Treasures Trading Company 520-747-0849.  Good luck, Ben in Phoenix

Re: [meteorite-list] Nakhla dog bashing - other interpretations

2004-11-03 Thread David Freeman
We have lost our humor when we decide there could have been no dog! Dave (the other dog) Freeman David Weir wrote: Hey List, Since I was allowed to include a copy of Kevin's excellent Nakhla article with his Nakhla dog explanation on my web site, I just wanted to say that this doesn't m

[meteorite-list] Re: [Paleolist] Hollywood collection auction someone else's add

2004-01-02 Thread Grant L. Elliott
David, That EBAY auction comes from this link- Grant Elliott - Original Message - From: "David Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "meteorite-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, Januar

Re: [meteorite-list] The big red grinder and the meteorite pie ***apology (is accepted)

2005-02-26 Thread David Freeman
The band saw blade pictured is about the same width as a good diamond blade of today. Happy to see he is wearing his safety glasses. He has the appearance of a master craftsman. Did he practice on engine blocks first? Dave F. Darren Garrison wrote: On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 10:57:50 -0700, David

[meteorite-list] August eclipse in Wyoming

2017-02-28 Thread David Freeman via Meteorite-list
s, or ? I will make a few more posts as the event comes along time wise.  With my regards, David Freeman Rock Springs WY 82902 41.6°N 109.22°W (Elev. 6324 ft)__ Visit our Facebook page and the Archives at

Re: [meteorite-list] BCC "Meteorites" [was Milestones] PLEASE READ

2004-11-23 Thread David Freeman
Dear Bruce, List, Art; Yes, THREE would also work for me. Very best, Dave Freeman the science of stromatolites mjwy Wyoming correspondent Bruce Yankewitz wrote: << I hope Jones remove 2 liars from the list >> I hope he removes three

[meteorite-list] Humorous Ahem-bay history

2004-05-15 Thread David Freeman
this happen to you. Oh, he is not recognized seller any more...wonder what took so long, 240 negatives in the past year. Best, Dave Freeman Flaming Gorge Harley Davidson Rock Springs, Wyoming __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://s

[meteorite-list] Shuttle Disaster Anniversary

2005-02-01 Thread David Freeman
man has gone before. Fulfilling ones dreams can be an immeasurable reward and sometimes very difficult for others to understand. God speed to all who fly fast and high. Dave Freeman __ Meteorite-list mailing list

[Fwd: Re: [meteorite-list] Don Edwards]

2005-03-03 Thread David Freeman
Dear List; I too have had much business in the past with Don and he has always been cordial, prompt, and a pleasure to do business with. Thanks Don! Dave Freeman Wyoming (home of the new 34 pound opal) Mark Langenfeld wrote: I suspect this will not come as news to most list members, but I

[meteorite-list] Store add DELETE 20-80% off sale

2005-03-26 Thread David Freeman
that looks like a stony meteorite inside! Great for study of olivines and carbonized olivines. Thanks for letting me pester, Dave Freeman mjwy IMCA #3864 __ Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] utah meteorites

2002-12-28 Thread David Freeman
Don't be so cheap and buy the Catalogue of meteorites or Anne's Book. D Freeman (the not cheap collector) STEVE ARNOLD wrote: I'll take a stab at this one: how about utah meteorites? I have not heard from anyone on this state. Steve r. Arnold, Chicago, il, 60107 The mi

[meteorite-list] Terresterial VS. way out there testing

2002-01-25 Thread David Freeman
with meteorites. Would this be the limiting factor, or is there much more to the picture? Lab is fully accredited and has been around quite a while (20 years). Any opinions are welcome. Thanks in advance, Dave Freeman Rock Springs, Wy __ Mete

[meteorite-list] Lander is a no-lander....

2004-10-09 Thread David Freeman
odds of any easy location/finds is about a zero on the Freeman-handyreconning scale. ...not to mention the irrigated lands with tall grass and alfalfa stubble. Better make the next one closer to the sand dunes. Dave Freeman IMCA #3864 __ Meteorite-list

[Fwd: Re: [meteorite-list] Re: ventifacted iron on Earth]

2005-01-19 Thread David Freeman
eck the link, all 6 are right. Ciao <><><> Francesco Moser IMCA #1510 AAT - Original Message - From: "David Freeman" To: "Moser Francesco" Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:

[meteorite-list] New Nebraska meteorite a mystrey

2004-10-05 Thread David Freeman
be a genuine meteorite. I could get no further information, a fall of maybe in June of this year. Any one have further information on this one, or is it a secret?? Best, Dave Freeman On the job __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED

[meteorite-list] Cadillac Evening News article

2004-10-05 Thread David Freeman
. I challenge anyone to get that much meteorite publicity in a local home town newspaper to raise meteorite awareness. Fall colors were magnificent, and the deer were running everywhere. Best, Dave Freeman IMCA #3864 __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL

[meteorite-list] Attention, more ebay SPOOF emails

2003-10-08 Thread David Freeman
not open attachments, or provide any credit card information as these are attempts to steal credit card information. Forward all such suspect requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED] They can confirm/not confirm the spoof within a couple of minutes. Sincerely, Dave Freeman

[meteorite-list] Shameless ODESSA 590 grams ADD DELETE

2002-05-13 Thread David Freeman
interested parties. My number is 307-382-3253 IMCA #3864 Best, Dave Freeman Millennium Jade of Wyoming ebay seller: mjwy I have some pretty nice jade specimens up at the moment. __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL

[meteorite-list] Most grandest thank you!

2003-03-13 Thread David Freeman
all had. and to be able to introduce "Lucky" Bob Verishhow special! He found Mars rocks you know. Very best wishes, Dave Freeman (who is now known as "lucky" himself!) __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] htt

Re: [meteorite-list] September Birthdays

2002-02-20 Thread Troy Bell
I will not be at the show, but mine is in September (09-03-54) Great month to be born. Troy Bell - Original Message - From: "David Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "meteorite-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 7:57 AM Subject: [met

[meteorite-list] test delete

2002-10-11 Thread David Freeman
__ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] test test test

2003-12-09 Thread David Freeman
test 33 __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [meteorite-list] Lost Creek may be really lost!!!

2003-12-12 Thread David Freeman
good friend remaining annomonous. DAve Freeman DNAndrews wrote: For Lost Creek in Lincoln Co., KS. I came up with the following topo: <> Hope this helps you all out. Dave

Re: [meteorite-list] another experiment gone wrong!!!

2004-12-14 Thread David Freeman
Dear Tom; How about a likeness of H.H. Nininger? Stylish! DF Tom AKA James Knudson wrote: I was thinking of a mountain scene! : ) Thanks, Tom peregrineflier <>< IMCA 6168 - Original Message - From: "David Fr

Re: [meteorite-list] Buckleboo

2005-04-21 Thread David Freeman
Buckleboo Station (a farm), it for sale just now: Come Down-Under! Best regards from DOWN-UNDER, Norbert & Heike Kammel ROCKS ON FIRE IMCA #3420 David Freeman wrote: Carry on Dude? Be cool man! Groovy! Michael L Blood wrote: on 4/21/05 1:5

[meteorite-list] Test this

2004-12-01 Thread David Freeman
Test unbelievable cookie mess. __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] test delete

2002-08-18 Thread David Freeman
Test delete Thanks, Dave F. __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [meteorite-list] Aftermath of Hurricane Charlie (Off Topic)

2004-08-19 Thread David Freeman
ll a bit on the homepage for the link. David David Freeman wrote: Has anyone heard from David Weir? Best, RainyRock Springs, Dave F. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello all, I just got a depressing in detail report from Kevin Kichinka about the distastrous forces and resulting consequences of hunrricane &quo

[meteorite-list] Chondrite similuarities to kimberilte Sort of off topic (my very first time:-)

2004-12-15 Thread David Freeman
traveled at mach 2 to get to the surface of the Earth. Nice pictures of me sitting on a kimberlite dike. How many of us have seen one of them? Best, Dave Freeman mjwy __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] Hollywood collection auction someone else's add

2004-01-02 Thread David Freeman
gemstones. Worth a look, looks are free! Search seller ID "imchait"Need an 8" tall elephant tusk? A British Museum meteoritetrilobites, neat stuff. Best, Dave Freeman eBay user ID mjwy "Don't lie to Nuns"Elwood Blues

[meteorite-list] Holy Anvil shoot

2002-10-02 Thread David Freeman
up. Here's the fascinating part..102 pound anvil falling back down from 563 feet went into the hay field earth.3 feet deep! Now I know why I find no Wyoming meteorites, I need to be looking in hay fields for 3 feet deep holes! The show was very entertaining

[meteorite-list] Darn the meteorite luck!

2003-02-03 Thread David Freeman
ind chill for part of my work daydarn, still bringin' the flip flops and shorts to Tucson, just going to leave my Michael Blood look alike Hawaiian shirts at home. Birthday Bash? Mmmm.... Excited Dave Freeman __ Meteorite-list mailing list [

Re: [meteorite-list] BCC meteorwrongs

2004-11-23 Thread MarkF
Hey David It also helps find marbles, just ask tuttles - Original Message - From: "David Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Matson, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 3:33 PM Subject: Re: [meteorit

Re: [meteorite-list] More Great News Nikon Coolpix Camera

2004-12-04 Thread Greg Hupe
Exactly, the first thing I through away (and wish I had later), hence, the flashing "12:00". It seems like it always noon here, cool! Greg - Original Message - From: "E. L. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "David Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc:

[meteorite-list] He beat me to it!

2002-03-30 Thread Dave Harris
= Al said: Message: 5 Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 03:38:31 -0800 From: almitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: David Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: meteorite-list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Can pigeo

Re: [meteorite-list] Suspected Meteorite Hits Illinois Home

2007-03-06 Thread ken newton
Hi, In case you missed the video: In the video, Skip mentions fusion crust and thumbprints on the side we did not see. Thanks to Dave, I wrote the David Proeber and he sent this: Best

Re: [meteorite-list] I, persidious!

2004-08-30 Thread David Freeman
d a guess. Any List member care to take a shot at this one? Not as much persidious as I once thought, Dave Freeman mjwy Patricia Whitehurst wrote: My granddaughter was asked by her teacher to find the meaning of persidious. Your site is the only place I can find the word. Could you let me kno

[meteorite-list] More lecturing produces panic!

2004-04-29 Thread David Freeman
, Dave Freeman mjwy __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[meteorite-list] NAME FROM THE PAST

2004-04-30 Thread David Freeman
, or in that vicinity of the planet, and the time was around early 1999. Any one have any contact with Frank in the past year or two? He was heavy into astrophysics and working toward a degree at that time. Any help? Thank you in advance, Dave Freeman collector and cleaner-outer

[meteorite-list] Finding things OTHER than meteorites...

2003-08-14 Thread David Freeman
ound while hunting meteorites. Anyone interested in a reply, please reply to me, and send a photo to me (in a smaller size kb jpeg file) and let's see what we get... This might be interesting. I would expect the boys from Holbrook a couple years back to come up with the Vaca Murta photo. Bes

RE: [meteorite-list] New logo in style

2002-01-07 Thread Matt Morgan
Cool Dave. I've added mine to my website. Nice job on the logo guys! Matt Morgan IMCA #2399 -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Freeman Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 2:59 PM To: meteorite-list Su

[meteorite-list] Current Tucson temp.

2005-01-28 Thread David Freeman
60 degrees F CLEAR and Calm. 7:33 MST df __ Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Warning Will Smith

2003-12-30 Thread David Freeman
Dear Matteo, Talk to the hand, the ears do not listen! :-) Dave F. __ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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