[meteorite-list] Re: Meteorite Market 101

2004-06-11 Thread Popocatept
I'm with Doug on this one.   Free Markets for Free Men!

Mike Fowler

Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776.

"People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and 
diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some 
contrivance to raise prices."
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] OT--Mirrors to infinity

2003-12-24 Thread Popocatept
Yes, but if each mirror can only reflect back 99% of the incoming light (most 
high end telescope mirrors do worse) the image will become impossibly dim 
long before the 30,000th reflection.

Mike Fowler

If two mirrors are 1 km apart you'd have to look
back to the 30,000 th reflected image to see the light
still on while the light is off, by a tenth of a
  You also need to cut the light quickly. Bulbs are
too slow. Maybe an electric arc with a nanosecond
surge protector, as can be purchased. Deliberately
surge, and in a nanosecond the arc is off. Get a very
bright source; you are looking at 30,000 km. of
  So using two "infinite mirror" effect mirrors as a
"time machine" to look back one tenth second and see
one light on after it is off is just barely do-able,
it would seem, using some big mirrors and a nice big
field on a dark moonless night, and careful alignment
to insure perpendicularity (the curvature of the Earth
would have to be accounted for). 

Francis Graham

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Recognizing a Venusian meteorite

2003-10-23 Thread Popocatept

Interesting theory about Venus's atmosphere being blown off by a monster 
impactor.  Here is my objection:  Where did the 100 bar carbon dioxide atmosphere 
come from?  Could one monster impactor blow off the existing atmosphere and 
yet at the same time deposit a new one?  Seems a stretch.

I suggest a different scenario.  Mars is enriched in Argon 40 compared to 
earth for the same reason it is enriched in deuterium.  The lighter elements are 
lost to space as a function of Mars's lesser gravity.

Venus has a tremendous amount of CO2, Argon 36 neon, etc, because it 
atmosphere was not blown off into space by a giant impactor.

On the contrary it was earth's atmosphere that was lost to space.
Therefore using Earth's ratio of Ar 36/40 as a standard is misleading.  What 
was the giant impactor responsible for the loss of earth's atmosphere.  A good 
candidate is the impactor that created the moon.

In any case, a young crystallization age of less than 500 million years would 
eliminate all sources, except Venus and Mars.

Mike Fowler

"E.J" wrote:

> Howard Wu wrote:
> > Still the question was how would we recognize a venusian meteorite?
> Great question to ponder.

The best way to identify a Venus Stone would be by the Argon isotope
ratios. Argon-36 is the "natural" original isotope of Argon from the solar
nebula. Argon-40 is formed by the radioactive decay of Potassium. It forms in
the stone body of a planet and is released to the atmosphere by volcanic
action, or "out-gassing."
On Earth, most of our Argon is isotope 40, thanks to our active little
rockball, and there is very little "natural" Argon. The 40:36 isotope ratio is
296 to 1. On Mars, there is even less "natural" Argon. The 40:36 isotope ratio
for Mars is 2750 +/- 500 to 1 (Is Mars more volcanic than the Earth? H.).
So far, it all fits with those nice theories about volatiles and nebulas
(which, you call tell by my tone, I distrust profoundly).
Therefore, we would expect a ratio of 200:1 for Venus or maybe even 100:1,
Here's where reality gets in its licks. First, there's 50 to 100 times
more Argon and Neon in Venus' atmosphere than we would expect, huge amounts!
Where in the H*** did that come from? Second, the 40:36 isotope ratio is 1 to
1, more or less. That is, they are present in roughly equal amounts.
Say what? Well, maybe all the noble gasses are enriched? Nah, they're not.
This demonstrates that the abnormal Argon did not come from the "old" solar
nebula. The two "explanations" left and they're both whacky: 1) Venus has no
Potassium in the planet at all, so there is no Argon 40! This goes against
everything. No Potassium!!! That's Crazy. And 2) Venus has never had any kind
of volcanic activity at all, ever, period. That's even Crazier, since we can
radar-map a huge of what appear to be volcanic features on Venus.
My personal theory is that Venus had its entire native atmosphere blown
off by a whopping big impactor 480,000,000 years ago, an impactor that
completely melted Venus' crust, resurfaced the planet, and left a lot of its
own volatiles behind as a new atmosphere to mix with the residues of the
melted crust. Hey, I said it was whopping big, didn't I?
So, what you do is a rare gas analysis of the suspected Venus meteorite,
and if the Argon 40:36 ratio is the same, then Venusian meteorite is its name,
as Johnny Cochran would say.

Sterling K. Webb

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: What Would Nininger Do?

2003-10-13 Thread Popocatept

I find your post very disturbing. 

First, several of the saner members of the list have been pleading for a 
cessation of the constant personal attacks.  With Mike's apology, I thought we 
were getting somewhere.

Second, you may not like Mike Farmer, and you two may disagree about whether 
bureaucrats deserve more or less respect than traffic cops, but getting down 
in the mud with hateful personal attacks is NOT the right approach.


Mike Fowler

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Deceptive

2003-10-09 Thread Popocatept
Is it the HUGE part in the description, or am I missing something?

Mike Fowler

[meteorite-list] ebay descriptions

2003-10-09 Thread Popocatept
Yes, and it is even more annoying when the description says HUGE!!!

Mike Fowler

[meteorite-list] Nickel test kit

2003-09-22 Thread Popocatept
Hi List,

The hallmark of a good scientific experiment is reproducibility.  I'm getting 
very frustrated with the nickel test kit I bought on ebay to test my "rusty 
iron meteorwrong".

I do not get reproducible  and or consistent results.  For example filings 
from a nickel  (5 cent coin)  have come back negative.  Even the Gibeon which 
gave a positive test Saturday gives a negative result today.

Any users of this test who can give me practical advise?
Is it a waste of money?
Is there a better one out there?


Mike Fowler
Frustrated in Chicago

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Rusty Iron Meteorwrong?

2003-09-17 Thread Popocatept
Fellow listees:

While looking in the woods for Park Forest Meteorites I found a rusty  
somewhat angular chunk of Iron.  I know the odds of it being meteorite are about a 
million to one, but I took it home since it was the only thing I found, and 
because its shape was not like any obvious tool.

I purchased one of those $20 nickel tests on ebay to play around with.  I 
tested a coathanger-negative, some filings from a Gibeon-positive and the rusty 
iron, which also tested positive.  

What else can I do to test this thing?  I looked at several of the meteor 
wrong sites, but they were in no help in this case, since we are not talking 
about hematite, basalt or other common meteorwrongs.  If this is a meteorite it 
would be an iron from a long ago fall, so no fusion crust.  Since it is iron, 
the magnetic test would be pointless.

Can I saw the end off with a hacksaw, grind and polish it smooth, etch it 
with acid for 
the widmanstatten pattern?  Is this practical for someone with no special 
tools or experience?

Hoping to learn something.  I don't really believe it is a meteorite, but the 
positive nickel test leaves me little choice but to dig a little deeper.

Mike Fowler

PS  I'm feeling a little foolish posting this, but surely all you cold 
hunters out there have encountered something like this at least once.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad - Rare Weekly Special DHO 019 age??

2003-09-17 Thread Popocatept

Is there a typo here?  525 million years is not particularly old.

ALH84001 is 4.5 billion years old.

Mike Fowler

""Its very old crystallization age of 525Ma +/- 56Ma.""

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] meteorite from Phobos? Kaidun

2003-09-17 Thread Popocatept
You guys are dancing around the answer to the question.  The Vernadsky 
Institute has in their possession a meteorite that they believe came from Phobos.  
Why do they think so?  Because it has a spectral match with carbonaceous 
chondrites as does Phobos and it has at least 2 clasts that are Shergottite like 
that they theorize were blasted off Mars and were later captured by Phobos and 
incorporated into its regolith, before being blasted into space and eventually 
falling to Earth.

The meteorite is Kaidun, which I mentioned about 2 weeks ago.

Mike Fowler

See:  http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2003/pdf/1236.pdf

>My question is: Would it be possible to find on Earth, meteorites with an 
>origin from Phobos (or the other moon Deimos)?

"Yes, but at present we don't really have any way to determine if a specific 
meteorite originated from Phobos or Deimos as opposed to asteroids of similar 
composition (as best we can determine the composition without actual samples). 
 The Russians have been planning to launch a sample return mission to Phobos 
for some time.  Last I heard they were hopeful of a late 2004 sendoff.

-- Philip R. "Pib" Burns"

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: The Hotest Deals of the Year-Update

2003-09-15 Thread Popocatept

In a message dated 9/15/03 7:49:14 AM, Popocatept writes:


Hit the send key by accident before proofreading--what a bummer!  Should read 
$50 a gram, not 50 cents.  

I know $50 a gram is not inexpensive, but I've been lusting after a nice 
sized piece of Gujba for a long time and prices are usually around $100 a gram.

Now anyone with a big HAH 237 for sale cheap?

Mike Fowler

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: The Hotest Deals of the Year-Update

2003-09-15 Thread Popocatept
Quick update:

I got an email acknowledging my order overnight.
And with all due respect to Mike Farmer with whom I have done business in the 
past, and with whom I hope to do more business in the future, GUJBA AT 50 
Dear List and M. Fowler,

just a short note to answer few questions we had,
we got so many answers to our special sales that
we need time to reply to all of you.

YES, the prices have to be discounted by 50%
OFF the marked prices !!!
that's give Begaa at 12.5$/gr, Pultusk under
6$/gr, CB's at 55$/gr includding Bencubbin
 etc.., etc... never seen before.

Some of you got killer pieces for peanuts
during this 48h race, even buyers from
Denver show witch report to be slow with
no interesting specimens...

Most of you know Me & Carine, for the others,
you are welcome to get in touch with us.  we are the source of
most part of the rare stuff (who desagree with that fact ??)
We will make you all happy with the stock we have, you'll
ask for more.


Bruno & Carine

Hi List,

Regarding this meteorite sale I have two questions.

Has anyone emailed to buy anything and gotten a response?

I did, but no response yet. (after 12 hours)

Second, I assumed that the sale price is 50% of the prices posted on the
linked pages, because if the posted prices already reflect a 50% discount,
then I
don't see any bargains.

Any comments from you more savvy list members?

Mike Fowler

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: [meteorite_sale] The Hotest Deals of the Year

2003-09-14 Thread Popocatept
Hi List,

Regarding this meteorite sale I have two questions.

Has anyone emailed to buy anything and gotten a response?

I did, but no response yet. (after 12 hours)

Second, I assumed that the sale price is 50% of the prices posted on the 
linked pages, because if the posted prices already reflect a 50% discount, then I 
don't see any bargains.

Any comments from you more savvy list members?

Mike Fowler

Hello Bruno and list. 
Is anybody else having problems getting through "The Earth's Memory" spam 
filters. I've tried emailing several times without luck.
Howard Wu

The Earth's Memory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear List members,

Just a short note to let you know that we have decided to
give you a rare opportunity to acquire exceptional specimens
(historical falls, oriented, unique types, etc...) from our available
meteorites at the lowest price ever seen worldwide.

This year we decided not to go in Denver, so as we don't have 
the costs of travel and show fees we will give you the opportunity
to buy from us with a 50% discount ...!!

This offer will be available for only 48 hours (from 0h01 Saturday 13 to
0h01 Monday 15 eastern time) on a first ordered, first served basis.

Check our special page http://www.meteorite.fr/en/forsale/hotdeals.htm and
you will see that such
a thing never happened before, nobody could compete  this is what you
all dreamed about for years !!
these are real pieces, no ebay crumbs ! All the special prices are available
only from the 13 web
pages linked in the 48 hours Hot Deals box .

We wish you a good race !!


Bruno & Carine
The Earth's Memory LLC
La Memoire de la Terre SARL

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: Putorano

2003-09-05 Thread Popocatept
Hi Matt and list,

How much Putorano is out there?  What is it's TKW?  I realize it's not a 
meteorite and TKW may not apply, but how can one judge it's rarity?

By the way, I have two pieces, that Steve has seen and the exterior
is so different, that I wonder about the authenticity of one of them.  Do 
they vary a lot?

Is it possible that there are fake Putoranos.  How would one know?


Mike Fowler

Subject: [meteorite-list] putorano

Hi list. Does anyone have any PUTURANO forsale?I am looking for a 100 to
200 gram piece. Who has any? Let me know.

Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!

I do. Much of it. 
matt Morgan


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: anyone with 1/2 million? a Zagami for You

2003-09-05 Thread Popocatept
Before anyone bids $450,000 for a 188 gram super hyped piece of Zagami they 
should consider the 43.9 slice of DAG 476 (a Shergottite) that Eric Twelker of 
the Meteorite Market has for only $10,975.00.

I must say that I have lusted after that one myself, but none of my lottery 
"investments" have paid off yet!

Mike Fowler

Anyone on the list with $450,000 burning a hole in their pocket?

Thanks, Tom
Peregrineflier <><
The proudest member of the IMCA 6168

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] DAG 670 & 476

2003-09-02 Thread Popocatept
Doing a little research in response to Matteo's listing of a 40 gram piece of 
DAG 670 I find that it has many pairings, one which is DAG 476 referred to as 
 "Lucky 13" 

Why is it lucky 13?

Mike Fowler

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Kaidun meteorite

2003-09-02 Thread Popocatept
Dave Weir's marvelous site while discussing the various Martian Shergottites 
mentions the Kaidun Meteorite.

Is there any of this material in collector, or dealer hands?

Mike Fowler

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NWA 1139

2003-09-01 Thread Popocatept
Hi Mark,

The original post about NWA 1139 was mine. Sorry if I ruffled any feathers 
with my question, it was not my intention.  

As a new member of the list I may not be sure of the proper protocol in every 
case.  However, I realize I could have emailed you directly for 
clarification, but I only learn when others post their questions to the list, and by 
likewise posting my question to the list, I give others a chance to learn as well.

What I have learned is that a meteorite can be unclassified, but still be 
numbered.  (or named is this the same thing?)


Mike Fowler

PS  Will you be selling any more of those digital scales on ebay?
Steve Arnold, proud owner of NWA 1139 main mass, says they're a good deal.

Hello Tom and list,

Just came in from the family reunion and see this post so I figure I would 
answer it.

NWA1139 is mine, or was mine if the auction ended.  It is uncut and has been 
only submitted for a number by me. 


However, I am kind of surprized you e-mailed the list and asked about it.  
You have e-mailed me 60-80 times or more about other things.

Mark Bostick

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NWA1139 Meteorite MAIN MASS, 61.6 grams ebay auction

2003-08-31 Thread Popocatept
Hi List,

Regarding ebay Item number: 2188776595  the description states:  "One stone 
with a 
total weight of only 61.6 grams and the complete uncut mass, otherwise known 
as the Main Mass"

My question is this-- If this is a classified and named meteorite, how can it 
be an uncut main mass?  Isn't a sample of 20 grams required to be deposited 
with a curating institution?

If it is somehow paired with other smaller stones, wouldn't you still have to 
slice off a piece in order to deterime the pairing?

Mike Fowler

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] A Recent Set Of Ebay Aucitons

2003-08-27 Thread Popocatept

Thanks for the alert.

I bid on some auctions that match the description below.  I will probably sit 
on my payment till the situation clarifies.

However, many fraud alerts are triggered by computers monitoring for certain 
patterns, such as a newbie having a large amount of high value transactions 
with no track record.

Assuming we are talking about the same auctions, and the same company, They 
do have a track record with many members of the list, and hopefully the above 
explanation is all there is.

Mike Fowler

In a message dated 8/27/03 9:23:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< o all,

Recently a seller known to me posted a bunch of items on ebay. This seller 
had a zero
rating and was new to eBay. I have dealt with this company before and have 
only heard
good things about them and that they do their own hunting for the material 
they have.
Included in these listing were a number of lunar specimens that are listed in 
Meteoritical Bulletins.

I just received notification from eBay that in investigation of this seller 
is taking
place and that I may wish to hold off sending payment for my winning bids. I 
know for
a new user they sold a bunch of material but they had a lot of nice material 
to begin
with and items I wouldn't have minded buying.

If anyone knows the details of what is going on and wants to send me an email 
or send
one to the list as there were other list members that bid on these items I 
would be
interested in what might be the reason for the suspension of this seller. Many
auctions shot up real high for the material being sold at the last minute and 
certainly did my part to bid high the last remaining few minutes and saw 
others do the
same. Perhaps this is the basis for ebays concern. All my best!

--AL Mitterling


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] archives-name vs email address

2003-08-26 Thread Popocatept
I prefer to read the meteorite list from the archives.  It is easier to 
follow interesting threads, and ignore uninteresting ones.  (for me anyway)


My question is:  Why do some members names show up next to their post's and 
others are identified by their email address?  Mine show up with my email 
address instead of my name.  

Although eventually one can get to recognize people by their email addresses, 
it is much more convenient to see the name.  I've noticed this on other lists 
I'm a member of, but never asked why before.

Mike Fowler

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Asteroid 6-Hebe

2003-08-25 Thread Popocatept
Some references to 6-Hebe that indicate it could be the source of some 

Mike Fowler

Farinella, P. 1996. Chaotic routes between the asteroid belt and Earth. 
Meteorite! May 1996.  

Migliorini, F., et al. 1997. 7 Iris: A possible source of ordinary 
chondrites? Astron. Astroph. 321(2):652-659.   

> "A member of the vehicle's team, Gabriel Shaked, who was
>  one of the people who discovered the stone, said yesterday
>  that the test showed that it was a fragment of Asteroid
>  HAVH-6, a rocky heavenly object that departed from its orbit
>  between the sun and Jupiter, and broke up. The original
>  asteroid approaches the earth once every three years."
> Has anyone ever heard of this particular asteroid HAVH-6,
> and it's connection to any known class of meteorites? Did
> I miss something? Any input on this alleged PB would be
> highly appreciated.
> All the best,
> Norbert

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Found In Israel

2003-08-25 Thread Popocatept

Asteroid #6 is Hebe, could have been mistranslated as HAVH-6

Mike Fowler

I don't recognize that asteroid either. Perhaps it is a typo.
I do recognize Gabriel Shaked. He had that really neat astronomical
online encyclopedia. He shut it down about a year ago due to copyright
conflicts with David Weir.
ken newton

Norbert Classen wrote:
> Hi all,
> There's another paragraph in this article that kindled my
> interest. Quote:
> "A member of the vehicle's team, Gabriel Shaked, who was
>  one of the people who discovered the stone, said yesterday
>  that the test showed that it was a fragment of Asteroid
>  HAVH-6, a rocky heavenly object that departed from its orbit
>  between the sun and Jupiter, and broke up. The original
>  asteroid approaches the earth once every three years."
> Has anyone ever heard of this particular asteroid HAVH-6,
> and it's connection to any known class of meteorites? Did
> I miss something? Any input on this alleged PB would be
> highly appreciated.
> All the best,
> Norbert
> __

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] ebay auctions by Comet Meteorite-Shop

2003-08-22 Thread Popocatept
Comet Meteorite-Shop has many interesting ebay auctions running.  However, 
they have a zero feedback rating.

I am reluctant to buy from a zero feedback entity.  Could any list members 
who have dealings with this company advise as to the reputation of same?

Since I'm a new list member, I'll let any responders decide whether on or off 
list is more appropriate.


Mike Fowler

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Slow to approve new Members (no more!)

2003-08-21 Thread Popocatept
Hi List,

A few hours ago email from list members started appearing in my email in box. 
 I guess that means I'm now a member of the Meteorite List.  (if you get this 
for sure I'm in!)

Thanks Walter
Thanks Dave Andrew

And Thanks Art for maintaining this list and for having a subscribe box that 

Mike Fowler


> Hi Walter and list,
> I just changed my email address a couple of days ago, but if you follow 
> the link at the bottom of all the emails to sign-up, the SUBMIT button 
> doesn't work.  I also tried doing the "manual" thing by sending an email 
> with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.  That didn't work after two days of 
> waiting either.  But, I did find this link that did work.  (Accessed by 
> going directly to http://www.meteoritecentral.com)
> http://meteoritecentral.com/mailing_list.shtml
> Try that and I think he'll be up and running within a several hours.
> Best,
> Dave

Meteorite-list mailing list