In my last post at ,
my thinking and argument drifted from TL dating to OSL dating.
My paragraph concerning the TL dating should have read:

"One significant problem here is that thermoluminescent dating 
presumes a steady level of radiation damage over time by the 
decay of radioactive elements trapped in the chert. Irradiation 
strong enough to have altered the isotopic composition of the
uranium in chert would have also caused extensive radiation 
damage to the microcrystalline quartz composing the chert. 
Therefore, had what Firestone and his colleagues claimed to
have occurred, actually happened, any thermoluminescent 
dates from the effected site should have also been altered to
the point of providing apparent dates considerably older than 
the associated Paleo-Indian artifacts. The fact, that the 
thermoluminescent dates are only slightly older, which is 
common due to incomplete thermal resetting of the chert, 
than age of the culture affiliated with the Paleo-Indian 
artifacts, strongly refutes the idea that these sites were 
irradiated at all. Had these sites been irradiated as much as 
proposed by Firestone, then the ages given by the 
thermoluminescent dates would have given apparent dates 
significantly older than the artifacts actually are, which was 
not the case."

I apologize for this brain fart.

Best Regards,


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