Well, this far we have 2 main theories, or letīs say basic lines in physics
and cosmology; theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Both
should be right, but unfortunately it has this far  been impossible to put
them together... And in fact everything in modern physics base on these
2 baselines.


"We live a remarkable time. Our party and government have created
expectionally favourable conditions for scientific development. The
broadest masses hopefully follow the development of the problem of
the Earthīs origin. We are absolutely confident the difficulties of the
problem and our own shortcomings, we will be able to achieve its
solution in this time and in this country, in the Stalin epoch."

Otto Schmidt 1950


Well, it may be sometimes a bit difficult to make difference between
"science" and "religion", both may have also,  letīs say,  not so clean

take care,


>>In Science you propose a theory, you look for direct
>>evidence of proof
>>(or as close as you can get to proof), then the
>>theory gets refined
>>until we end up with  something close as close to
>>'the truth' as poss.


Pekka Savolainen Jokiharjuntie 4 FIN-71330 Rasala FINLAND

+ 358 400 818 912

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