Dear List and Pallasite Fans,

I just received the largest part of a 54 kilo flat/round Seymchan that many people were scratching their heads over at this years Tucson Show... Common thought was, "Is there enough crystals?"... I gambled and lucked out with an extremely wonderful pallasite that has the best of ALL the worlds this meteorite has to offer; Green Crystals, Large Chromite inclusions, Great balance of crystals-metal (luckily about 2/3 crystals). I, along with several people who are experts with pallasites, decided on the best way to cut this stone, glad I consulted them because this was my first time diving into a large pallasite venture. Thank you Marlin Cilz and all of the others who freely advised me how to best reveal what this particular stone had to offer!

Here are a couple of images of the 13,510 gram end cut and largest piece from the 54kg mass, and "Yes", I am accepting offers and am placing an extremely low starting point of just $30,000.00. I am not an auction house so you will not expect to add an extra 20% to high offer, just high offer and shipping/insurance.

Seymchan 13,510 gram End Cut
47cm x 14cm x 10cm

Polished face:

Natural side:

I will consider offers for one week and let the person/entity with highest offer know next Thursday, May 7th.

As for slices of this wonderful mix of Pallasitic Pleasure, I will have about 30 'thin' slices to offer as they arrive from Marlin, first 16 slices should be tomorrow. I will also offer these at competitive rates and each slice will be priced according to its own individual character and look, not at the rate of the large end cut... but still excellent discounts!

Thank you for having a look and I appreciate the offers!

Best Regards,

AD #5 of 52
Greg Hupé
The Hupé Collection (Online Catalog & Reference Site) (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163
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