Back in the hotel in Waco tonight after a long day. I was in Fort Worth last 
night, taking Moritz Karl back to the airport for his long overdue flight back 
to Germany and to have breakfast and visit with Dr. Arthur Ehlmann at TCU. I 
presented Art a 13 gram complete West meteorite today, for the Monnig 
Collection. I could not bear the thought of TCU without a piece of this 
meteorite on display. We printed out the find photos and when I left they were 
preparing to get it ready for display in their "New Acquisitions" section. 
People had already been calling and stopping by asking if they had any of it. 
Now they do. 

I then drove as fast as I could back to West to begin hunting again. Robert and 
Shauna called me just as I was arriving and told me they gained access to hunt 
a parcel of land we calculated was in the middle of the flight path. I got 
there, changed clothes and talked to them for a few minutes, then started 
hunting. I was returning to the car less than 5 minutes later and found a 69 
gram perfect complete stone on the edge of the gravel driveway. It had embedded 
itself in the soft soil of the fence-line. Everyone else got skunked there as 
we hunted for hours after that and nothing more was found. 

People are already dropping out like flies today, as several I spoke to said 
tomorrow was their last day. Meteorite hunting is not that easy sometimes, but 
at least virtually everyone has stones to take home, and heads full of great 

I myself plan to remain another week, as I can't stand the thought of these 
perfect meteorites being lost to the plow, rain, or growing grass. Anything not 
found now will never be found. 

More tomorrow. 
Michael Farmer
Meteorite-list mailing list

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