Things have been quiet for awhile.  As many of you probably know,
Savannah was cracked awhile back and the GNU folks have been busy
cleaning things up a revising their security policies.

I have several modifications pending before the crack-in.
Unfortunately, due to some new CVS restrictions, I have put on holding
commiting them.  Add to that, that I am involved with some regular
work, things have been going slow.  I knew I should have commited
things months ago.

I am seriously considering moving MHonArc off of savannah.
I understand some of there security restrictions, but the inability to
modify CVSROOT admin files of the mhonarc source tree may make using
savannah no longer practical.  I'm unsure if trying to host things on will work or if I should go with a site like SourceForge.
I like the bug tracking facilities savannah provides, and I do not
know if I want to hassle with maintaining my own bug tracking system.


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