Hello, all! I'm writing to let µF folks know about this upcoming event.
Some of you have already received personal invitations, but I wanted to
send a broadcast for all the people I don't know personally.

RecentChangesCamp is the international unconference for wiki developers,
users, theorists and practitioners. It's been held for the last two
years in Portland, OR; this year we're having it in Montreal, over the
weekend of 18-20 May.


There aren't scheduled speakers, keynotes, or panels -- as an
"un-conference", the emphasis is on peer-to-peer communications,
hands-on development, productive face-to-face meetings. The event is
free of charge for all participants.

I'm extending this personal invitation to microformats advocates for two
reasons. First, there will be an opportunity to talk about µFs with
project leads for some of the most important wiki software. Second,
microformats are the only open standard I know of developed using a
wiki; this is a practical experience that I think more wiki
practitioners should know about.

Registration is as simple as signing up on our wiki:


We've made some travel arrangements for out-of-town visitors; there's
more info on the wiki. Feel free to email me off-list if you have any




Evan Prodromou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

microformats-discuss mailing list

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