Re: [uf-discuss] hCite status and next steps

2007-09-02 Thread Tantek Çelik
On 8/31/07 1:17 PM, "Jason Calabrese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm going to be using hCite in 1 of the products that I work on.
> Since it will be only used interally for now I'm not going to wait for it to
> become a recommended specification.  I do plan to stay current though.
> It looks like there are 3 primary issues now.
> 1) Identifiers
> 2) Types/Formats
> 3) Nesting
> We're going use the uid class with nested type/id elements for identifiers.
> For my use the type/format and citation nesting aren't needed so I'm going to
> ignore them for now.
> Are there any other open issues?  What is being done to resolve the issues?
> Let me know how I can help.

Hi Jason,

Since the citation microformat is still very much underdevelopment, I'm
redirecting your query to the microformats-new mailing list, where formats
in progress are discussed.  Please sign up on microformats-new.

Thanks much!


microformats-discuss mailing list

[uf-discuss] hCite status and next steps

2007-08-31 Thread Jason Calabrese
I'm going to be using hCite in 1 of the products that I work on.

Since it will be only used interally for now I'm not going to wait for it to 
become a recommended specification.  I do plan to stay current though.

It looks like there are 3 primary issues now.

1) Identifiers
2) Types/Formats
3) Nesting

We're going use the uid class with nested type/id elements for identifiers.  
For my use the type/format and citation nesting aren't needed so I'm going to 
ignore them for now.

Are there any other open issues?  What is being done to resolve the issues?  
Let me know how I can help.

microformats-discuss mailing list