The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

*** xorg-server-21.1.0-1
*** xorg-server-common-21.1.0-1
*** xorg-server-debuginfo-21.1.0-1
*** xorg-server-devel-21.1.0-1
*** xorg-server-extra-21.1.0-1
*** xorg-server-xorg-21.1.0-1
*** xwinclip-21.1.0-1

These packages contain XWin and the other X.Org X11 servers.

This is the first release of the xserver 21.1 series. It is currently available as a test release, and will be made stable in a few weeks, if no major regressions are reported.

Please try test releases and report problems to the Cygwin mailing list. Testing helps ensure good releases!

In addition to upstream fixes and improvements [1], the following cygwin-specific changes have been made since 1.20.12-1:

* In multiwindow mode, remove the X input focus when an X window loses Windows focus (again)
* Update X screen DPI when the primary monitor DPI changes (if the '-dpi' option isn't used)
* Avoid blurry scaling by DPI value of windows when moving between monitors with different Windows DPI values. * The experimental XWinWMUtil library and headers (only used by the experimental XtoW WM), have been removed

Note that the Xdmx server has been removed upstream.


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