On May 27 11:53, Lee D. Rothstein wrote:
> > You got that wrong. The CYGWIN=glob:... option only affects how
> > globbing is performed on the command line arguments if the Cygwin
> > process has been started from a native Windows process.  Full stop.
> I acknowledged *my* MISTAKE. I do so again.

So actually I got it wrong.

> The point remains:
>   Globbing is case sensitive while full command name
>     invocation/full filename use is not. And, you may never have
>     been confused by that, but I maintain it's very confusing. I'm
>     not asking that it be "fixed", I'm asking that it be carefully
>     documented, and I'm not asking anyone but me to do it. If it is
>     so documented, I missed it. And, I read and reread that part of
>     the manual before posting both times.

If anybody says our documentation is lacking, I'm the last to deny it.
If you feel up to the task, patches to the documentation are more
than welcome.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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