When I run the ctests, sometimes the supported-languages tests fail.
After comparing the failing .tex file produced to when I export on the
command line, it seems that the .tex files are slightly different. The
difference that causes the failure seems to be the order of the
languages in the \documentclass command. Attached is a file that fails
with the "latex" command. But if you comment out the \documentclass
statement and uncomment the "good" one just above, it passes.

Should the order of the languages matter?

Does the .tex file fail for others when compiled with the "latex"
command? If not, it might be something specific to my system.

I get the following error:

  Loading the Common definitions for Arabic and Farsi
    Arabi Core switching commands v1.0  2006/01/01   (may still change)  
  ! Argument of \o@everypar has an extra }.
  <inserted text> 
  l.126    \n@everypar\expandafter{\the\o@everypar}

I wonder if I accidentally made a change to a local file. The date 2006
seems old, so perhaps I somehow overwote the TL file.

% good:
% bad:

% fix albanian: restore \th as LATIN LETTER THORN



% restore \coyright definition corrupted by l7xenc.def


% arabic + hyperref redefines \noboundary as local textcommand
% work around too simple test for article-like classes in arabicore.sty


 breaklinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0},pdfborderstyle={},backref=section,colorlinks=true]


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
\newlength{\lyxlabelwidth}      % auxiliary length 
% labeling-like list based on enumitem's description list with
% mandatory second argument (label-pattern):
		\setlength{\listparindent}{0pt}% needed for AMS classes

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.


\title{Languages supported by LyX}

With language examples that work with both, \emph{Babel} and \emph{Polyglossia}.


\item [{Babel}] afrikaans
\item [{LangCode}] af\_ZA

\emph{Shqipja} është gjuha zyrtare e Shqipërisë, dhe e Kosovës.
\item [{Babel}] albanian
\item [{Polyglossia}] albanian
\item [{LangCode}] sq\_AL


\item [{Polyglossia}] amharic
\item [{Script}] Amharic syllabary (Ge'ez)
\item [{LangCode}] am\_ET

\subsection*{Arabic (Arabi)}
اللُّغَة العَرَبِيّة هي أكثر اللغات تحدثاً ونطقاً ضمن مجموعة اللغات
السامية، وإحدى أكثر اللغات انتشاراً في العالم، يتحدثها أكثر من \textLR{$467$}
مليون نسمة، ويتوزع متحدثوها في الوطن العربي، بالإضافة إلى العديد من
المناطق الأخرى المجاورة كالأحواز وتركيا وتشاد ومالي والسنغال وإرتيريا
وإثيوبيا وجنوب السودان وإيران.

\item [{LyX}] arabic\_arabi
\item [{Babel}] arabic (fails with non-TeX fonts)
\item [{Polyglossia}] arabic
\item [{Script}] Arabic (RTL)
\item [{LangCode}] ar\_SA
\item Package clash with CJK.
\item Fails with input encoding ``utf8x''.

\subsection*{Arabic (ArabTeX)}

\item [{LyX}] arabic\_arabtex 
\item [{Babel}] arabtex (dummy babel language for arabic\_arabtex to be
able to switch the language the way of the ArabTeX-package)
\item [{Script}] Arabic (RTL)
\item [{LangCode}] ar\_SA
\item Does not work as secondary language


\item [{Polyglossia}] armenian
\item [{Script}] Armenian
\item [{LangCode}] hy\_AM


\item [{Polyglossia}] asturian
\item [{LangCode}] ast\_ES


\item [{Babel}] azerbaijani
\item [{Script}] Latin
\item [{LangCode}] az\_AZ
\item Arabic script was used up to 1929 (still used in Iran). \\
Cyrillic script was used 1938-1991 (still used in Dagestan).
\item Requires font encodings T1 and T2A (for the letter schwa). 

\emph{Euskara} Euskal Herriko hizkuntza da. Hizkuntza isolatua da,
ez baitzaio ahaidetasunik aurkitu, eta morfologiari dagokionez, hizkuntza
ergatiboa da.
\item [{Babel}] basque
\item [{Polyglossia}] basque
\item [{LangCode}] eu\_ES


\item [{Babel}] belarusian
\item [{Script}] Cyrillic
\item [{LangCode}] be\_BY
\item Until 2018-08-25 (babel-belarusian 1.4), the babel option was \textquotedbl belarusianb\textquotedbl{}
but the language name \textquotedbl belarusian\textquotedbl{} (without
trailing \textquotedbl b\textquotedbl ).
\item Conflict with Macedonian.


\item [{Polyglossia}] bengali
\item [{Skript}] Bengali
\item [{LangCode}] bn\_IN


\item [{Babel}] bosnian
\item [{LangCode}] bs\_BA

Ur yezh keltiek a orin eus an Enez Vreizh (Breizh-Veur/Preden) hag
eus skourr ar yezhoù predenek eo ar \emph{brezhoneg}.
\item [{Babel}] breton
\item [{Polyglossia}] breton
\item [{LangCode}] br\_FR


Б\`{ъ}лгарският езѝк е индоевропейски език от групата на южнославянските
езици. Той е официалният език на Република България и един от 23-те
официални езика на Европейския съюз.

\item [{Babel}] bulgarian
\item [{Polyglossia}] bulgarian
\item [{LangCode}] bg\_BG
\item [{Script}] Cyrillic
\item Conflict with Macedonian.

\subsection*{Catalan }
\emph{Català}: Llengua històricament parlada a Catalunya, Andorra,
País Valencià, les illes Balears, la Catalunya Nord, l'Alguer i la
Franja de Ponent.
\item [{Babel}] catalan
\item [{Polyglossia}] catalan {[}babelshorthands=true{]}
\item [{LangCode}] ca\_ES


\item [{LyX}] chinese-simplified
\item [{Script}] Chinese (hànzì)
\item [{LangCode}] zh\_CN
\item [{Requires}] CJK
\item Package clash CJK / Arabi

\subsection*{Chinese (traditional)}

\item [{LyX}] chinese-traditional
\item [{Script}] Chinese (hànzì)
\item [{LangCode}] zh\_TW
\item [{Requires}] CJK
\item The different CJK languages (simplified and traditional Chinese, Japanese,
and Korean) require different fonts but only one CJK-font can be set
in the preamble.

\subsection*{Church Slavonic}

\item [{Polyglossia}] churchslavonic
\item [{Script}] Cyrillic
\item [{LangCode}] cu


\item [{Polyglossia}] coptic
\item [{Script}] Coptic
LangCode cop\_EG

\emph{Hrvatski jezik} skupni je naziv za nacionalni standardni jezik
Hrvata, te za skup narječja i govora kojima govore ili su nekada govorili
\item [{Babel}] croatian
\item [{Polyglossia}] croatian
\item [{LangCode}] hr\_HR

\emph{Čeština} neboli český jazyk je západoslovanský jazyk, nejbližší
slovenštině, poté lužické srbštině a polštině. Patří mezi slovanské
jazyky, do rodiny jazyků indoevropských.
\item [{Babel}] czech
\item [{Polyglossia}] czech
\item [{LangCode}] cs\_CZ
\item Sometimes, documents with Czech or Slovak text and a table fail to
compile (incompatibility of array or multirow packages with Babel-Czech
and Babel-Slovak).

\emph{Dansk} er et nordgermansk sprog af den østnordiske (kontinentale)
gruppe, der tales af ca. seks millioner mennesker. Det er stærkt påvirket
af plattysk.
\item [{Babel}] danish
\item [{Polyglossia}] danish
\item [{LangCode}] da\_DK


\item [{Polyglossia}] divehi
\item [{Script}] Thaana (RTL)
\item [{LangCode}] dv\_MV

Het \emph{Nederlands} is een West-Germaanse taal en de moedertaal
van de meeste inwoners van Nederland, België en Suriname. In de Europese
Unie spreken ongeveer 23 miljoen mensen Nederlands als eerste taal,
en een bijkomende vijf miljoen als tweede taal.
\item [{Babel}] dutch
\item [{Polyglossia}] dutch {[}babelshorthands=true{]}
\item [{LangCode}] nl\_NL

\emph{English} is a West Germanic language that is closely related
to Frisian and Low Saxon. Its vocabulary has been significantly influenced
by other Germanic languages, particularly Norse, and to a greater
extent by Latin and French.
\item [{Babel}] english
\item [{Polyglossia}] english {[}variant=american{]}
\item [{LangCode}] en\_US

\subsubsection*{English (Australia)}
\item [{Babel}] australian
\item [{Polyglossia}] english {[}variant=australian{]}
\item [{LangCode}] en\_AU
\item [{LyX}] canadian

\item [{Babel}] canadian
\item [{Polyglossia}] english {[}variant=canadian{]} \# Polyglossia support
still missing
\item [{LangCode}] en\_CA

\item [{Babel}] newzealand
\item [{Polyglossia}] english {[}variant=newzealand{]}
\item [{LangCode}] en\_NZ

\subsubsection*{English (USA)}
\item [{Babel}] american
\item [{Polyglossia}] english {[}variant=american{]}
\item [{LangCode}] en\_US

\subsubsection*{English (UK)}
\item [{Babel}] british
\item [{Polyglossia}] english {[}variant=british{]}
\item [{LangCode}] en\_GB

\emph{Esperanto}, origine \emph{la Lingvo Internacia}, estas la plej
disvastigita internacia planlingvo. En 1887 Esperanton parolis nur
manpleno da homoj; Esperanto havis unu el la plej malgrandaj lingvo-komunumoj
de la mondo. Ĝi funkciis dekomence kiel lingvo de alternativa komunikado
kaj de arta kreivo.
\item [{Babel}] esperanto
\item [{Polyglossia}] esperanto
\item [{LangCode}] eo\_EO (no country code but name of hunspell dictionary)

\emph{Eesti keel} (varasem nimetus: maakeel) on läänemeresoome lõunarühma
kuuluv keel. Selle lähemad sugulased on läänemeresoome keeled vadja
ja liivi keel.

Tähed f, š, z ja ž esinevad ainult võõrsõnades (nt šokolaad).
\item [{Babel}] estonian
\item [{Polyglossia}] estonian
\item [{LangCode}] et\_EE



«فارسی» و «پارسی» به اینجا تغییر مسیر دارند. برای دیگر کاربردهای این
دو، فارسی (ابهامزدایی) و پارسی (ابهامزدایی) را ببینید.\selectlanguage{english}}%



\item [{Babel}] farsi
\item [{Polyglossia}] farsi
\item [{Script}] Persian < Arabic (RTL)
\item [{LangCode}] fa\_IR
\item Fails with input encoding ``utf8x''.

\subsection*{Finnish }
\emph{Suomen kieli} (suomi) on uralilaisten kielten itämerensuomalaiseen
ryhmään kuuluva kieli. Sitä puhuu äidinkielenään Suomessa 4,9 miljoonaa
ja toisena kielenä 0,5 miljoonaa henkilöä. Suurimmat suomea puhuvat
vähemmistöt ovat Ruotsissa, Norjassa ja Venäjällä.
\item [{Babel}] finnish
\item [{Polyglossia}] finnish
\item [{LangCode}] fi\_FI


Le \emph{français} est une langue indo-européenne de la famille des
langues romanes. Le français s'est formé en France (variété de la
«~langue d’oïl~», qui est la langue de la partie septentrionale
du pays).

\item [{Babel}] french
\item [{Polyglossia}] french
\item [{LangCode}] fr\_FR
\item Babel-french conflicts with Xe/LuaTeX and non-TeX fonts.


\item [{Babel}] canadien
\item [{LangCode}] fr\_CA

Il \emph{furlan} e je une lenghe romanze de famee des lenghis retichis,
che e je fevelade soredut intal Friûl, ma ancje vie pal mont.
\item [{Babel}] friulan
\item [{Polyglossia}] friulan
\item [{LangCode}] fur\_IT


\item [{Babel}] galician
\item [{Polyglossia}] galician
\item [{LangCode}] gl\_ES


\item [{Babel}] georgian
\item [{LangCode}] ka\_GE
\item [{Script}] Georgian
\item No T8K, T8M fonts encoding definitions in TeXLive16 (but in CTAN package
\item Babel-Georgian claims to work with non-TeX fonts. However, it selects
the obsolete font encodings EU1/EU2 resulting in ``missing character''
errors because the fallback font ``Latin Modern'' does not contain
Georgian characters.

Die \emph{deutsche Sprache} bzw. \emph{Deutsch} ist eine westgermanische

Ihr Sprachraum umfasst Deutschland, Österreich, die Deutschschweiz,
Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Ostbelgien, Südtirol, das Elsass und Lothringen
sowie Nordschleswig. Außerdem ist sie eine Minderheitensprache in
einigen europäischen und außereuropäischen Ländern, z. B. in Rumänien
und Südafrika, sowie Nationalsprache im afrikanischen Namibia.
\item [{Babel}] ngerman
\item [{Polyglossia}] german {[}variant=german,spelling=new,babelshorthands=true{]}
\item [{LangCode}] de\_DE

Für alle, die die Rechtschreibreform 1996 für puren Stuß halten.
\item [{Babel}] german
\item [{Polyglossia}] german {[}variant=german,spelling=old,babelshorthands=true{]}
\item [{LangCode}] de\_DE-1901

Grüße aus Wien!
\item [{Babel}] naustrian
\item [{Polyglossia}] german {[}variant=austrian,spelling=new,babelshorthands=true{]}
\item [{LangCode}] de\_AT

Grüße vom Gotthardpaß
\item [{Babel}] austrian
\item [{Polyglossia}] german {[}variant=austrian,spelling=old,babelshorthands=true{]}
\item [{LangCode}] de\_AT-1901
\item [{LangVariety}] alt

Grüsse aus Zürich!
\item [{LyX}] german-ch
\item [{Babel}] nswissgerman
\item [{Polyglossia}] german {[}variant=swiss,spelling=new,babelshorthands=true{]}
\item [{LangCode}] de\_CH

Grüsse aus dem Ballokal!
\item [{LyX}] german-ch-old
\item [{Babel}] swissgerman
\item [{Polyglossia}] german
\item [{PolyglossiaOpts}] variant=swiss,spelling=old,babelshorthands=true
\item [{LangCode}] de\_CH-1901

Η \emph{ελληνική γλώσσα} είναι μια από τις ινδοευρωπαϊκές γλώσσες
και αποτελεί το μοναδικό μέλος ενός ανεξάρτητου κλάδου, αυτής της
οικογένειας γλωσσών, ενώ είναι η επίσημη γλώσσα της Ελλάδος και της
\item [{Babel}] greek
\item [{Polyglossia}] greek, variant=monotonic
\item [{Script}] Greek
\item [{LangCode}] el\_GR
\item Babel-Greek allows only one Greek variant per document.
\item With TeX-Fonts, Latin letters in Greek text are converted to Greek
according to the ``LGR transliteration''. All foreign words and
abbreviations must be marked (\foreignlanguage{greek}{Ηλεκτρική αντίσταση
5~}m\textgreek{Ω}\foreignlanguage{greek}{ $\ne$ 5~\textmu Ω}).


\item [{LyX}] ancientgreek 
\item [{Babel}] greek \textbackslash languageattribute\{greek\}\{ancient\}
\item [{Polyglossia}] greek {[}variant=ancient{]}
\item [{InternalEncoding}] true
\item [{LangCode}] grc\_GR
\item [{Provides}] textgreek


\item [{Babel}] polutonikogreek
\item [{Polyglossia}] greek {[}variant=polytonic{]}
\item [{InternalEncoding}] true
\item [{LangCode}] el\_GR
\item [{Provides}] textgreek



\hebayin\hiriq\hebbet\sheva\hebresh\hiriq\hebyod\hebtav{} \hebhe\hebyod\hebalef{}
\hebshin\hebpe\hebhe{} \hebshin\hebmem\hebyod\hebtav , \hebmem\hebmem\hebshin\hebpe\hebhet\hebtav{}
\hebhe\hebshin\hebpe\hebvav\hebtav{} \hebhe\hebalef\hebpe\hebresh\hebvav -\hebalef\hebsamekh\hebyod\hebalef\hebtav\hebyod\hebvav\hebtav ,
\hebhe\hebyod\hebdalet\hebvav\hebayin\hebhe{} \hebkaf\hebshin\hebpe\hebtav\hebfinalmem{}
\hebshin\heblamed{} \hebhe\hebyod\hebhe\hebvav\hebdalet\hebyod\hebfinalmem{}
\hebvav\hebshin\heblamed{} \hebhe\hebshin\hebvav\hebmem\hebresh\hebvav\hebnun\hebyod\hebfinalmem ,
\hebalef\hebshin\hebresh{} \hebnun\hebyod\hebbet{} \hebmem\hebvav\hebdalet\hebresh\hebnun\hebyod{}
\hebshin\heblamed\hebhe{} )\hebayin\hebbet\hebresh\hebyod\hebtav{}
\hebyod\hebshin\hebresh\hebalef\heblamed\hebyod\hebtav ( \hebhe\hebvav\hebalef{}
\hebshin\hebpe\hebtav\hebhe{} \hebhe\hebresh\hebshin\hebmem\hebyod\hebtav{}
\hebshin\heblamed{} \hebmem\hebdalet\hebyod\hebnun\hebtav{} \hebyod\hebshin\hebresh\hebalef\heblamed ,
\hebmem\hebayin\hebmem\hebdalet{} \hebshin\hebayin\hebvav\hebgimel\hebfinalnun{}
\hebbet\hebshin\hebnun\hebtav{} {\beginL 2018\endL} \hebbet\hebhet\hebvav\hebqof{}
\hebyod\hebsamekh\hebvav\hebdalet : \hebyod\hebshin\hebresh\hebalef\heblamed{}
-- \hebmem\hebdalet\hebyod\hebnun\hebtav{} \hebhe\heblamed\hebalef\hebvav\hebfinalmem{}
\hebshin\heblamed{} \hebhe\hebayin\hebfinalmem{} \hebhe\hebyod\hebhe\hebvav\hebdalet\hebyod .\selectlanguage{english}}%

\item [{Babel}] hebrew
\item [{Polyglossia}] hebrew
\item [{Script}] Hebrew (RTL)
\item [{LangCode}] he\_IL
\item With non-standard article-like classes (i.e. document classes not
defining \textbackslash chapter), numbered sections and ``Table
of Content'' generation fail.
\item Hebrew TeX fonts are not included with TeXLive.
\item With XeTeX there is a decent selection of free-licensed fonts, e.g.:
\item Serif: David/Frank Ruhl (Culmus or Google fonts).
\item Sans-serif: DejaVu Sans Serif, Alef
\item Monospace: Miriam Libre (Culmus or Google Fonts).
\item LuaTeX fails with RTL issues
\item Hebrew fails with Xe/LuaTeX and 8-bit TeX fonts (driver error with
XeTeX, loading \emph{inputenc} (despite \emph{luainputenc} already
loaded) with LuaTeX).

\subsection*{Hindi }

\item [{Polyglossia}] hindi
\item [{Script}] Devanagari
\item [{LangCode}] hi\_IN

A \emph{magyar nyelv} az uráli nyelvcsalád tagja, a finnugor nyelvek
közé tartozó ugor nyelvek egyike. Legközelebbi rokonai a manysi és
a hanti nyelv, majd utánuk az udmurt, a komi, a mari és a mordvin
\item [{Babel}] magyar
\item [{Polyglossia}] magyar
\item [{LangCode}] hu\_HU

\emph{Íslenska} er vesturnorrænt, germanskt og indóevrópskt tungumál
sem er einkum talað og ritað á Íslandi og er móðurmál langflestra
Íslendinga. Það hefur tekið minni breytingum frá fornnorrænu en önnur
norræn mál og er skyldara norsku og færeysku en sænsku og dönsku.
\item [{Babel}] icelandic
\item [{Polyglossia}] icelandic
\item [{LangCode}] is\_IS
\item The nordic characters ð and Þ are missing in LaTeX 7-bit (OT1) fonts
(Computer Modern).

\emph{Bahasa Indonesia} adalah bentuk standar bahasa Melayu yang dijadikan
sebagai bahasa resmi Republik Indonesia dan bahasa persatuan bangsa
\item [{Babel}] bahasa
\item [{Polyglossia}] bahasai
\item [{LangCode}] id\_IDl

\emph{Interlingua} es un lingua auxiliar international naturalistic
basate super le vocabulos commun al major linguas europee e super
un grammatica anglo-romance simple, initialmente publicate in 1951
per International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA).
\item [{Babel}] interlingua
\item [{Polyglossia}] interlingua
\item [{LangCode}] ia\_IA (no country code but name of hunspell dictionary)

Is ceann de na teangacha Ceilteacha í \emph{an Ghaeilge}, agus ceann
den dtrí cinn de theangacha Ceilteacha ar a dtugtar na teangacha Gaelacha
go háirithe.
\item [{Babel}] irish
\item [{Polyglossia}] irish
\item [{LangCode}] ga\_IE

\item [{Babel}] italian
\item [{Polyglossia}] italian
\item [{LangCode}] it\_IT


\item [{Babel}] japanese
\item [{LangCode}] ja\_JP
\item [{Requires}] japanese (platex) or non-TeX fonts
\item Does not work with pdfLaTeX and conflicts with the \emph{inputenc}
\item XeTeX and LuaTeX work only with non-TeX fonts.
\item Does not work as secondary language unless the document encoding is
set to one of the special ,,…-platex`` input encodings or non-TeX
fonts are used.
\item Wrong characters/encoding in the PDF-bookmarks (toc) can be fixed
with the ``BXJS'' classes or \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage\{pxjahyper\}}
(for non-TeX fonts).


\item [{LyX}] japanese-cjk
\item [{Encoding}] euc-jp
\item [{LangCode}] ja\_JP
\item [{Requires}] CJK
\item The different CJK languages (simplified and traditional Chinese, Japanese,
and Korean) require different fonts but only one CJK-font can be set
in the preamble.
\item Package clash CJK, Arabi/Farsi
\item The ``language default'' encoding does not work with fonts in Debian's
texlive-lang-japanese. Use ``utf8'' or ``utf8-cjk''.
\item XeTeX and LuaTeX work only with non-TeX fonts. 
\item Font setup with \emph{XeCJK} is ignored with \emph{Polyglossia} if
the document contains text marked up as Korean.
\item Font setup with \emph{luatexja-fontspec} affects some non-Japanese
characters (here, missing U+2059 FIVE DOT PUNCTUATION (Church Slavonic)
and some typographical quotes).


\item [{Polyglossia}] kannada
\item [{Script}] Kannada
\item [{LangCode}] kn\_IN

\textcyrillic{Қазақ} \textcyrillic{тілі} (\textcyrillic{латын}: qazaq
tili) --- \textcyrillic{Қазақстан} \textcyrillic{Республикасының}
\textcyrillic{мемлекеттік} \textcyrillic{тілі}, \textcyrillic{сонымен}
\textcyrillic{қатар} \textcyrillic{Ресей}, \textcyrillic{Өзбекстан},
\textcyrillic{Қытай}, \textcyrillic{Моңғолия} \textcyrillic{ж}\textschwa \textcyrillic{не}
\textcyrillic{т}.\textcyrillic{б}. \textcyrillic{елдерде} \textcyrillic{тұратын}
\textcyrillic{қазақтардың} \textcyrillic{ана} \textcyrillic{тілі}.
\item [{LyX}] kazakh
\item [{Script}] Cyrillic/Latin/Arabic
\item [{LangCode}] kk\_KZ
\item Not supported by Babel nor Polyglossia.
\item Setting text to this language has only effect on spell-checking.
\item For documents using only Cyrillic (and basic Latin) letters, you may
get rid of the auto-inserted ``\textbackslash textcyrillic'' commands
by setting the document font encoding to ``Custom T2A''. 
\item The correct font encoding for Kazakz with Cyrillic is T2C which contains
required letters like the turned e (\textbackslash textschwa). However,
LyX currently would override this with ``\textbackslash textcyrillic''
forcing T2A.
\item As of 2018, Kazakh is written in Cyrillic or Latin in Kazakhstan and
in Cyrillic in Mongolia. Kazakh speakers in China, Iran, and Afghanistan
also use an Arabic-derived alphabet.


\item [{Polyglossia}] khmer
\item [{Script}] Khmer
\item [{LangCode}] km\_KH


\item [{LyX}] korean
\item [{Polyglossia}] korean
\item [{Script}] Korean ( Hangul), Chinese
\item [{LangCode}] ko\_KR
\item [{Requires}] CJK or Polyglossia
\item The different CJK languages (simplified and traditional Chinese, Japanese,
and Korean) require different fonts but only one CJK-font can be set
in the preamble.
\item XeTeX and LuaTeX work only with non-TeX fonts. 
\item Font setup with \emph{XeCJK} is ignored when using\emph{ Polyglossia}.
\item LuaTeX finishes with exit value 1\emph{ }and error message 
{[}\textbackslash directlua{]}:1:~You~cannot~set~field~spec~in~a~node~of~type~glue~
It seems that \emph{gloss-korean.ldf} (unnumbered Version from Debian/stable,
Mar~25 2016) has an error somewhere in the directlua definitions.
This leads to LyX reporting a LaTeX error. The generated PDF can be
viewed via \textsf{Document>LaTeX~log>Open~containing~directory}.


\item [{Babel}] kurmanji
\item [{LangCode}] kmr


\item [{Polyglossia}] lao
\item [{Script}] Lao
\item [{LangCode}] lo\_LA

\emph{Lingua Latina}, sive sermo Latinus, est lingua Indoeuropaea,
qua primum Latini universi et Romani antiqui in primis loquebantur,
quamobrem interdum etiam lingua Latia (in Latio enim sueta) et lingua
Romana (nam imperii Romani sermo sollemnis) appellatur.
\item [{Babel}] latin
\item [{Polyglossia}] latin
\item [{LangCode}] la\_LA (no country code but name of hunspell dictionary)

Latviešu valoda ir dzimtā valoda apmēram 1,7 miljoniem cilvēku, galvenokārt
Latvijā, kur tā ir vienīgā valsts valoda. Latviešu valoda pieder pie
indoeiropiešu valodu saimes baltu valodu grupas.
\item [{Babel}] latvian
\item [{Polyglossia}] latvian
\item [{LangCode}] lv\_LV
\item FontEncoding L7x required for hyphenation but not set by Babel.

\emph{Lietuvių kalba} -- daugiausia vartotojų turinti rytų baltų
kalba. Baltų kalbos kilusios iš baltų prokalbės. Lietuviškai šneka
apie 3 mln. žmonių Lietuvoje, šiek tiek Baltarusijoje ir Lenkijos
šiaurės rytuose (vadinamos lietuvių kalbos salos).
\item [{Babel}] lithuanian
\item [{Polyglossia}] lithuanian
\item [{FontEncoding:}] L7x (set by Babel)
\item [{LangCode}] lt\_LT
\item The L7x font encoding is supported by just a few fonts, e.g. LatinModern
and TeX-Gyre
\item L7x font encoding also set with LuaTeX and non-TeX fonts -> error
but output OK)
\item Bug/TODO: after Lithuanian text parts, the font encoding is not re-set
(\textbackslash f@encoding re-set to T1 but a \textbackslash selectfont
command is required to (re-)activate the ``outer'' font encoding).


\item [{Babel}] macedonian
\item [{Script}] Cyrillic
\item [{LangCode}] mk\_MK
\item Conflict with Belarusian, Bulgarian, Mongolian, Russian, and Ukrainian.

\emph{Bahasa Melayu} ialah sejenis bahasa Melayu-Polinesia di bawah
keluarga bahasa Austronesia yang telah digunakan di wilayah Malaysia,
Indonesia, dan persekitarannya sejak melebihi 1,000 tahun lalu.
\item [{Babel}] bahasam
\item [{Polyglossia}] bahasam
\item [{Script}] Latin, Arabic (not supported)
\item [{LangCode}] ms\_MY


\item [{Polyglossia}] malayalam
\item [{Script}] Malayalam (Brahmic)
\item [{LangCode}] ml\_IN


\item [{Polyglossia}] marathi
\item [{Script}] Devanagari
\item [{LangCode}] mr\_IN




\item [{Babel}] mongolian
\item [{Script}] Cyrillic
\item [{LangCode}] mn\_MN
\item Conflict with Macedonian.

\item [{LyX}] (LyX support missing)
\item [{Polyglossia}] nko
\item [{Script}] N'ko
\item [{LangCode}] nqo

\subsection*{North Sami}
\emph{Davvisámegiella} gullá sámegielaid oarjesámegielaid davvejovkui
ovttas julev- ja bihtánsámegielain. Eará oarjesámegielat leat ubmisámegiella
ja lullisámegiella.
\item [{Babel}] samin
\item [{Polyglossia}] samin
\item [{LangCode}] se\_NO 


\emph{Norsk} er et nordisk språk som snakkes som morsmål av rundt
5 millioner mennesker, først og fremst i Norge, hvor det er offisielt
språk. Norsk, svensk og dansk utgjør sammen de fastlandsnordiske språkene,
et kontinuum av mer eller mindre innbyrdes forståelige dialekter i
\item [{Babel}] norsk
\item [{Polyglossia}] norsk
\item [{LangCode}] nb\_NO

\emph{Nynorsk}, før 1929 offisielt kalla \emph{landsmål}, er sidan
jamstillingsvedtaket av 12.~mai 1885 ei av to offisielle målformer
av norsk; den andre forma er bokmål. Nynorsk blir i dag nytta av om
lag 10--15\% av innbyggjarane i Noreg.
\item [{Babel}] nynorsk
\item [{Polyglossia}] nynorsk
\item [{LangCode}] nn\_NO


\item [{Polyglossia}] occitan
\item [{LangCode}] oc\_FR

Ël piemontèis a l'é na lenga romanza, visadì derivà dal latin.
\item [{Babel}] piedmontese
\item [{Polyglossia}] piedmontese
\item [{LangCode}] pms\_IT

\emph{Język polski, polszczyzna} -- język naturalny należący do grupy
języków zachodniosłowiańskich, stanowiącej część rodziny języków indoeuropejskich.
\item [{Babel}] polish
\item [{Polyglossia}] polish
\item [{LangCode}] pl\_PL
\item FontEncoding QX required for hyphenation but not set by babel.

A \emph{língua portuguesa}, também designada \emph{português}, é uma
língua românica flexiva ocidental originada no galego-português falado
no Reino da Galiza e no norte de Portugal.
\item [{LyX}] portuguese
\item [{Babel}] portuges
\item [{Polyglossia}] portuges
\item [{LangCode}] pt\_PT

Brasil é o único país na América onde se fala majoritariamente a língua
portuguesa e o maior país lusófono do planeta.
\item [{Babel}] brazil
\item [{Polyglossia}] brazil
\item [{LangCode}] pt\_BR

\emph{Limba română} este o limbă indo-europeană, din grupul italic
și din subgrupul oriental al limbilor romanice. De asemenea, este
înregistrată ca limbă de stat atât în România cât și în Republica
Moldova, unde circa 75\% din populație o consideră limbă maternă (inclusiv
sub denumirea de „\emph{limba moldovenească}”).
\item [{Babel}] romanian
\item [{Polyglossia}] romanian
\item [{LangCode}] ro\_RO

Il \emph{rumantsch dal Grischun} che vegn discurrì en il chantun Grischun
fa part da las linguas neolatinas e vegn numnà en la lingua da mintgadi
‹rumantsch› (sursilvan: ‹romontsch› / puter: ‹rumauntsch›).
\item [{Babel}] romansh
\item [{Polyglossia}] romansh
\item [{LangCode}] rm\_CH


Р\'{у}сский яз\'{ы}к --- один из восточнославянских языков, национальный
язык русского народа. Является одним из наиболее распространённых
языков мира.

Babel russian
\item [{Polyglossia}] russian
\item [{Script}] Cyrillic
\item [{LangCode}] ru\_RU
\item Conflict with Macedonian.


\item [{LyX}] oldrussian
\item [{Polyglossia}] russian {[}spelling=old{]}
\item [{Skript}] Cyrillic
\item [{LangCode}] ru\_petr1708


\item [{Polyglossia}] sanskrit
\item [{Script}] Devanagari
\item [{LangCode}] sa\_IN
\item Works only with XeTeX


\subsubsection*{Gaidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)}
'S i cànan dùthchasach na h-Alba a th' anns \emph{a' Ghàidhlig}. 'S
i ball den teaghlach de chànanan Ceilteach dhen mheur Ghoidhealach
a tha anns a' Ghàidhlig.
\item [{Babel}] scottish
\item [{Polyglossia}] scottish
\item [{LangCode}] gd\_GB

\emph{Scots} (or \textquotedbl Lallans\textquotedbl ) is a Wast
Germanic leid o the Anglic varietie that's spaken on the Lawlands
an Northren Isles o Scotland an en tha stewartrie o Ulster en Ireland.
En maist airts, it's spaken anent tha Scots Gaelic an Inglis leids.
\item not supported by LaTeX/LyX.


\subsubsection*{Serbian (Cyrillic)}

\emph{Српски језик} припада словенској групи језика породице индоевропских
језика. Српски језик је званичан у Србији, Босни и Херцеговини и Црној
Гори и говори га око 12 милиона људи. Такође је мањински језик у државама
централне и источне Европе.

\item [{LyX}] serbian
\item [{Babel}] serbianc
\item [{Polyglossia}] serbian {[}script=Cyrillic{]}
\item [{LangCode}] sr\_RS
\item Up to Version 3.0 (2019-01-12), input encoding and font encoding were
set document-wide to ``utf8x'' and ``T2A'' respectively by ``babel-serbianc'',
overriding LyX settings and leading to errors in multi-lingual documents. 

\subsubsection*{Serbian (Latin)}
Ako bismo zanemarili do sada jasno nepotvrđene naučne hipoteze (koje
imaju osnova) o prethodnim slovenskim (pa time i srpskim) pismima,
može se reći da se, u različitim razdobljima \emph{srpski} pisao latinicom,
glagoljicom, ćirilicom i arapskim pismom.
\item [{LyX}] serbian-latin
\item [{Babel}] serbian
\item [{Polyglossia}] serbian {[}script=Latin{]}
\item [{LangCode}] sr\_RS-Latin

\emph{Slovenčina} patrí do skupiny západoslovanských jazykov. Slovenčina
je oficiálne úradným jazykom Slovenska, Vojvodiny a od 1. mája 2004
jedným z jazykov Európskej únie.
\item [{Babel}] slovak
\item [{Polyglossia}] slovak
\item [{LangCode}] sk\_SK

\emph{Slovenščina} je združeni naziv za uradni knjižni jezik Slovencev
in skupno ime za narečja in govore, ki jih govorijo ali so jih nekoč
govorili Slovenci.
\item [{Babel}] slovene
\item [{Polyglossia}] slovenian
\item [{LangCode}] sl\_SI


\emph{Dolnoserbšćina}, \emph{dolnoserbska rěc} jo jadna z dweju rěcowu
Serbow, kotaraž se wužywa w Dolnej Łužycy, w pódpołdnjowej Bramborskej,
na pódzajtšu Nimskej.
\item [{Babel}] lowersorbian
\item [{Polyglossia}] lsorbian
\item [{LangCode}] dsb\_DE

\subsubsection*{Upper Sorbian}
Hornjoserbšćina je zapadosłowjanska rěč, kotraž so w Hornjej Łužicy
wokoło městow Budyšin, Kamjenc a Wojerecy rěči. Jako słowjanska rěč
hornjoserbšćina k indoeuropskim rěčam słuša.
\item [{Babel}] uppersorbian
\item [{Polyglossia}] usorbian
\item [{LangCode}] hsb\_DE


El \emph{español} o \emph{castellano} es una lengua romance procedente
del latín hablado. Pertenece al grupo ibérico y es originaria de Castilla,
reino medieval de la península ibérica. Es la segunda lengua del mundo
por el número de personas que la hablan como lengua materna tras el
chino mandarín.

\item [{Babel}] spanish
\item [{Polyglossia}] spanish
\item [{LangCode}] es\_ES
\item Option clash with ``galician'': Command \textbackslash quoting
already defined.

\subsubsection*{Spanish (Mexico)}
\item [{LyX}] spanish-mexico
\item [{Babel}] spanish
\item [{Polyglossia}] spanish
\item [{LangCode}] es\_MX
\item No difference to ``Spanish'' for LaTeX.

\emph{Svenska} är ett östnordiskt språk som talas av drygt elva miljoner
personer främst i Sverige där språket har en dominant ställning som
huvudspråk, men även som det ena nationalspråket i Finland och som
enda officiella språk på Åland. Svenska är nära besläktat och i hög
grad ömsesidigt begripligt med danska och norska.
\item [{Babel}] swedish
\item [{Polyglossia}] swedish
\item [{LangCode}] sv\_SE


\item [{Polyglossia}] syriac
\item [{Script}] Syriac (RTL)
\item [{LangCode}] syr\_SY 


\item [{Polyglossia}] tamil
\item [{Script}] Tamil
\item [{LangCode}] ta\_IN


\item [{Polyglossia}] telugu
\item [{Script}] Telugu
\item [{LangCode}] te\_IN


\item [{Babel}] thai
\item [{Polyglossia}] thai
\item [{Script}] Thai
\item [{LangCode}] th\_TH
\item Babel-Thai’s “thai.ldf” changes character categories (catcode) \textbf{globally}.\footnote{tested with version 1.8 (2013/03/31)}
LyX's workaround requires laoding \emph{inputenc} after \emph{babel}
which leads to problems in some documents\emph{.}\footnote{E.g. an option clash when also using Hebrew, which loads \emph{inputenc
}with the 8859-8 option if it is not loaded before \emph{babel.}}
\item For emphasized text with TeX fonts other than CM or LM, load ``fonts-tlwg''
\emph{after} ``babel\emph{''.} In the user preamble, write
\textbackslash AtBeginDocument\{\textbackslash usepackage\{fonts-tlwg\}\}
or set up the font substitutes with the \emph{substitutefont }package\emph{.}

\subsubsection*{Thai (CJK)}
\item [{Babel}] thaicjk (not supported by LyX)
\item Babel support for Thai based on the CJK package and fonts.


\item [{Polyglossia}] tibetan
\item [{Script}] Tibetan
\item [{LangCode}] bo\_CN

\emph{Türkçe} ya da \emph{Türk dili}, batıda Balkanlar’dan başlayıp
doğuda Hazar Denizi sahasına kadar konuşulan Türki diller dil ailesine
ait sondan eklemeli bir dil. Türki diller ailesinin Oğuz dil grubundan
Osmanlı Türkçesinin devamını oluşturur.
\item [{Babel}] turkish
\item [{Polyglossia}] turkish
\item [{LangCode}] tr\_TR

\emph{Türkmen dili}: Türkmenistanyň resmi dilidir. Türkmen dili -
türki dilleriň oguz dilleri toparyna degişlidir.
\item [{Babel}] turkmen
\item [{Polyglossia}] turkmen
\item [{LangCode}] tk\_TM


\emph{Укра\'{ї}нська м\'{о}ва} (історичні назви --- р\'{у}ська, рус\'{и}нська)
--- національна мова українців. Належить до слов'янської групи індоєвропейської
мовної сім'ї. Число мовців --- близько 45 млн, більшість яких живе
в Україні.

\item [{Babel}] ukrainian
\item [{Polyglossia}] ukrainian
\item [{Script}] Cyrillic
\item [{LangCode}] uk\_UA
\item Conflict with Macedonian.


\item [{Polyglossia}] urdu
\item [{Script}] Urdu (<Persian<Arabic, RTL)
\item [{LangCode}] ur\_PK


\emph{Tiếng Việt}, còn g\d{o}i \emph{tiếng Việt Nam} hay \emph{Việt
ngữ}, là ngôn ngữ của người Việt (người Kinh) và là ngôn ngữ chính
thức t\d{a}i Việt Nam

\item [{Babel}] vietnamese
\item [{Polyglossia}] vietnamese
\item [{FontEncoding}] T5
\item [{LangCode}] vi\_VN

Aelod o'r gangen Frythonaidd o'r ieithoedd Celtaidd a siaredir yn
frodorol yng Nghymru, gan Gymry a phobl eraill ar wasgar yn Lloegr,
a chan gymuned fechan yn Y Wladfa, yr Ariannin yw'r Gymraeg (hefyd
\emph{Cymraeg} heb y fannod).
\item [{Babel}] welsh
\item [{Polyglossia}] welsh
\item [{LangCode}] cy\_GB


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