Iannetta Paul <paul.ianne...@ens-lyon.fr> writes:

Hi Paul :)

> For the indexing, I produce a compile_commands.json file (recording only the
> files compiled by `make all', this includes auto-generated files such as
> config.h, and the insn-something.{h,c} files) with the help of
> https://github.com/gicmo/cdcc, this file is then picked up by the language
> server, which then provides nice autocompletion features.

I'm using the same process, but with the 'bear' command:


I know other here are also using it.

As creating the json file can be long, I usually do a non-parallel build
(had issues with parallel jobs) when I'm not coding.

> About configuring recent editors to follow the GNU coding style, I don't 
> really
> know but it should always be possible to register a hook that will run 
> `indent`
> when the file is saved.

There is a clang-format config file in contrib that one can symlink in
the root dir as .clang-format. I hope/guess tools like CLion can pick it
and use it? At least this can be used to indent using clang-format tools
and derivatives (like git-clang-format). In the GCC Rust project, we are
using it (but judging by Jakub's last review for Philip's patch, the
config is maybe not exhaustive, or our setup is not correct).


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