On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 08:38 -0600, Mike Hammett wrote:
> Well, in the diagram, it's just a test network setup so that I get 
> everything working in a controlled environment, then can replicate 
> elsewhere.

Ok..no problem there.

> It's more universal than EoIP.

So is PPtP. (see below)

> A learning experience for when I need MPLS in the future.

By the time you "need" it it will no longer be the "buzzword" it is

> A marketing feature.  If a customer sees that Global Crossing, AT&T, etc. 
> provide their connectivity over an MPLS network, it certainly bodes well for 
> me if I can say the same, even if it means nothing to your average user.

Better than trying to duplicate sillyness, ask the customer what they
really NEED and fulfill that need.  MPLS is not a need for any customer
I've dealt with so far (and some of those are quite large).

> It passes packets that are a full 1500 bytes.

So does the MLPPP package added to recent versions of Mikrotik.  Not to
mention that MLPPP is MUCH more usable and deployable than MPLS, which
is not a complete package in MT.  If you'd like to learn about MPLS, I
can teach it, but it's about a 4 day course.  Then, when we're done,
you'd realize that what I stated the first day is true..."It is highly
likely that you don't need MPLS".

But I can understand the need for a learning experience...I just don't
have the time to waste, so I am somewhat envious.  :-)

* Butch Evans                   * Professional Network Consultation*
* http://www.butchevans.com/    * Network Engineering              *
* http://www.wispa.org/         * WISPA Board Member               *
* http://blog.butchevans.com/   * Wired or Wireless Networks       *

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