Instead of putting the MAC in the HotSpot, put it in RADIUS as the user ID. If the Hotspot is setup to to MAC authentication, it will pass the MAC to RADIUS, just as if the user logged in.

On 1/21/2018 6:45 PM, ralph via Mikrotik-users wrote:
I have a lot of sites using MT Hotspot with an offsite RADIUS backend that 
handles billing and customer speed control, etc.

This is fine for when the customer has a browser equipped device. They just log 
in via the portal and away they go.  But now there are many new devices that 
don't use browsers,  things like smart thermostats, smart TVs, certain game 
consoles and who knows what else.  MT (and my backend) have MAC Authentication 
(where you set MAC as one of the login methods in the hotspot) for those sorts 
of devices. However that only works if the device initiates an HTTP connection. 
On HTTPS, no auto login  and on a lot of these other devices no auto login 

So I end up having to put these device's  MACs into an IP Binding table in the 
MT hotspot.    Works great.  But I lose all tracking of the user, I can't 
control their speed, and I don't even know they are on line.   But the worst 
part is that now I have to manually track whether or not their subscription is 
current. Sometimes I forget to and their devices get free service for months.

But I think there must be a way I can do the following:

1. Let their MAC just pass through without going through the hotspot.
2. Limit the device's speed to that of their subscription
3. And optionally, have the rule go away on a certain date (or after a certain 
period of time)

I'd be ecstatic if I could just get #1 and #2.

I don't know anything about "Manual Queues", only the ones the hotspot creates 
upon login.

Can someone help me out?


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SBRConsulting, LLC
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