Re: [MiKTeX] Problem with console since latest update

2021-06-28 Thread Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users

Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users schrieb am 27.06.2021 um 19:20:
I have just updated MikTeX x64 to the latest version. Now the console 
application does not open nor appear in the task manager when I try to 
open it.

That console version out of the backup folder with its 
MiKTeX210600-xxx.dll files from yesterday starts without any problems 
and seems to work properly.

Is it a bug or might I have done something wrong during the update?

The latest files from the FTP server FU Berlin did not change that 
console problem.


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[MiKTeX] Problem with console since latest update

2021-06-27 Thread Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users
I have just updated MikTeX x64 to the latest version. Now the console 
application does not open nor appear in the task manager when I try to 
open it.

That console version out of the backup folder with its 
MiKTeX210600-xxx.dll files from yesterday starts without any problems 
and seems to work properly.

Is it a bug or might I have done something wrong during the update?


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Re: [MiKTeX] Problem with xelatex since last update

2021-03-18 Thread Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users
I was not sure whether it was a bug or my fault. Thank you, that you 
confirmed the problem and opened the issue.


Ulrike Fischer schrieb am 18.03.2021 um 12:47:

Am Wed, 17 Mar 2021 19:19:46 +0100 schrieb Ralf Heckmann via

Is there a problem with the latest update or is it my fault?

I see it too and opened an issue:

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[MiKTeX] Problem with xelatex since last update

2021-03-17 Thread Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users
With the last update (packages updated on 3/16/2021) I have a problem 
with xelatex, while pdflatex or lualatex both work fine.

..\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\log\initexmf.log shows:

2021-03-17 18:46:46,891+0100 FATAL xelatex.core - Die 
Speicher-Dump-Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden.
2021-03-17 18:46:46,891+0100 FATAL xelatex.core - Data: 
2021-03-17 18:46:46,891+0100 FATAL xelatex.core - Source: 
2021-03-17 18:46:46,891+0100 FATAL xelatex - Die Speicher-Dump-Datei 
konnte nicht gefunden werden.

2021-03-17 18:46:46,891+0100 FATAL xelatex - Info: fileName="xelatex.fmt"
2021-03-17 18:46:46,891+0100 FATAL xelatex - Source: 

2021-03-17 18:46:46,891+0100 FATAL xelatex - Line: 717
2021-03-17 18:46:46,893+0100 INFO  xelatex - this process (1888) 
finishes with exit code 1

I tried to build the format xelatex via the console app. The result was

Das MiKTeX-Konfigurationswerkzeug ist aus irgend einem Grund 
gescheitert. Die Ausgabe wurde in eine Datei gespeichert.

fileName="E:\TeX\MiKTeX29\miktex/bin/x64\initexmf.exe", exitCode="1", 

There was the information:
Sorry, but "MiKTeX Configuration Utility" did not succeed.

The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again:


There was the information:

2021-03-17 19:09:04,146+0100 INFO  initexmf - this is MiKTeX 
Configuration Utility 4.3 (MiKTeX 21.3)
2021-03-17 19:09:04,146+0100 INFO  initexmf - this process (12000) 
started by 'miktex-console' with command line: initexmf --dump=xelatex
2021-03-17 19:09:04,146+0100 INFO  initexmf - Operating on the private 
(per-user) MiKTeX setup
2021-03-17 19:09:04,153+0100 INFO  initexmf - running: 
miktex-makefmt.exe --engine=xetex --dest-name=xelatex --no-dump 
xelatex.ini --miktex-disable-maintenance --miktex-disable-diagnose
2021-03-17 19:09:04,205+0100 INFO  initexmf.core - start process: 
miktex-makefmt.exe --engine=xetex --dest-name=xelatex --no-dump 
xelatex.ini --miktex-disable-maintenance --miktex-disable-diagnose
2021-03-17 19:09:10,124+0100 ERROR initexmf - sub-process error output 
has been saved to 
2021-03-17 19:09:10,124+0100 FATAL initexmf - The executed process did 
not succeed.
2021-03-17 19:09:10,124+0100 FATAL initexmf - Info: 
fileName="E:\TeX\MiKTeX29\miktex\bin\x64\miktex-makefmt.exe", exitCode="1"

2021-03-17 19:09:10,124+0100 FATAL initexmf - Source:
2021-03-17 19:09:10,124+0100 FATAL initexmf - Line: 0
2021-03-17 19:09:10,125+0100 INFO  initexmf - this process (12000) 
finishes with exit code 1

Is there a problem with the latest update or is it my fault?

Thanks in advance

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Re: [MiKTeX] Compiling error after latest MiKTeX update (hyperref)

2021-02-12 Thread Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users

Ulrike Fischer schrieb am 12.02.2021 um 11:22:
>> ...
>> ! LaTeX Error: Encoding scheme `PU' unknown.
> that will be resolved in the next update (version 7.00j) which is
> already on ctan. For now move settings like pdfauthor=XXX from the
> hyperref options to \hypersetup. See also

Thank you for the helpful answer and the new version. I had not found 
the issue at


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[MiKTeX] Compiling error after latest MiKTeX update (hyperref)

2021-02-11 Thread Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users
After the latest update (which included an update of the package 
hyperref) without any change to a (large) document I get a compiling error:

! LaTeX Error: Encoding scheme `PU' unknown.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H   for immediate help.

l.4058 \ProcessKeyvalOptions{Hyp}

What can I do to get the document compiled again as it worked some two 
days before?

Thanks in advance

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[MiKTeX] Problem mit Leerzeichen in Dateinamen

2019-11-11 Thread Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users

Seit dem heutigen Update funktionieren Leerzeichen in Standardklassen nicht.





kompiliert als "minimal.tex" einwandfrei, als "mini mal.tex" sieht die 
log-Datei wie folgt aus

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (MiKTeX 2.9.7200 64-bit) 
(preloaded format=pdflatex 2019.11.11)  11 NOV 2019 19:40

entering extended mode
**"C:/Users/Ralf/Desktop/LaTeX-Tests/mini mal.tex"
("C:/Users/Ralf/Desktop/LaTeX-Tests/mini mal.tex"
LaTeX2e <2019-10-01> patch level 2
Document Class: article 2019/10/25 v1.4k Standard LaTeX document class
File: size10.clo 2019/10/25 v1.4k Standard LaTeX file (size option)

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H   for immediate help.

l.3 \begin{document}

No file "mini mal".aux.
\openout1 = `"mini mal.aux"'.

LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 3.

("mini mal.aux") )
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 217 strings out of 492445
 2369 string characters out of 3135209
 61508 words of memory out of 300
 4664 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+20
 3640 words of font info for 14 fonts, out of 300 for 9000
 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
 25i,4n,19p,163b,99s stack positions out of 

Output written on "mini mal.pdf" (1 page, 13159 bytes).
PDF statistics:
 10 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607)
 0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 50)
 1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 1 (max. 1000)
--- ist nicht zu erreichen, sodass ich nicht feststellen 
kann, ob der Fehler schon in der Fehlerdatenbank eingestellt wurde.


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Re: [MiKTeX] Problem with synctex

2018-02-13 Thread Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users

Ulrike Fischer schrieb am 13.02.2018 16:20:

Perhaps you clicked on the --src panel and so deactivated it.

That might have been the problem. I solved it for me meanwhile by 
restoring the Local folder from a backup.



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Re: [MiKTeX] Problem with synctex

2018-02-12 Thread Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users

Ulrike Fischer schrieb am 12.02.2018 23:21:

Am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:01:20 +0100 schrieb Ralf Heckmann via

with the latest update I have the problem that no synctex file is
generated, neither with pdfLaTeX nor with XeLaTeX.

Works ok for me. Did you try to compile on the command line (with
-synctex=1 or -synctex=-1)?

pdflatex -synctex=-1 file.tex
I get a synctex file. Any idea why that does not work any longer out of 


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[MiKTeX] Problem with synctex

2018-02-12 Thread Ralf Heckmann via MiKTeX-Users

Hi all,

with the latest update I have the problem that no synctex file is 
generated, neither with pdfLaTeX nor with XeLaTeX. The editor settings 
are not changed, i.e. WinEdt's Forward Search is enabled.

Has anybody else the same problem and what can I do to solve it?


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