On 2 Feb 2017, at 12:21, m.roess...@t-systems.com wrote:

Hi folks,

sorry for my very basic questions about this milter and the necessary configuration to bind to the MTA. I'm very new in this field, but i searched the whole week for a solution and look at so much howtos, threads and other stuff. Please help me with this.

My situation at the moment:

My main goal is to add two headers on outbound mails which are send over postfix.

The best place to find Postfix expertise is the Postfix Users list. See http://www.postfix.org/lists.html for how to subscribe.

First i try this with the postfix feature header_checks and the PREPEND action to add the 2 headers which we need. It seems that fir this only one rule with PREPEND is allowed in the header_check file, cause of the mechanism postfix go through them.

Yes, header_checks would be the wrong place to do this, if you want this to be conditional on the SMTP envelope sender rather than the value of the "From" header. To add headers based on the SMTP envelope sender, you should use check_sender_access in smtpd_sender_restrictions or smtpd_recipient_restrictions. Since you can apply multiple check_sender_access maps in restriction lists, you can match the sender in 2 distinct access maps and add a header in each one.

However, if you're actually looking to match a header address, I believe you can work around the shortcomings of header_checks by also setting smtp_header_checks with a pattern file that adds the second header.

These approaches are both a bit clumsy, but they are lighter weight than MD. You might get a better Postfix-only answer from the Postfix Users list.

Now my new approach is using a milter on postfix, who i've read should such a tool should be able to add more then one header in a mail. I decided for MIMEDefang. I read some HowTo's to bind this extra linux service on my postfix server, hopefully done this correct. After that i rewrote the whole /etc/mail/mimedefang-filter, but the headers will never be added. I dont find a log file from mimedefang for debugging purposes and also dont see anything in the maillog when i append "-vvv" in postfix master.cf

Don't do that. Postfix verbose logging is overkill. If you're not seeing anything in maillog, there's a logging config problem. Both mimedefang and postfix use traditional syslog calls with the LOG_MAIL facility, so if your logging is set up correctly you should be getting messages from both of them in the same file.

after this line:
"smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd"

(System is CentOS7)

The fact that this is a systemd-based system complicates matters a bit, because it is possible to set up CentOS7 (or RHEL7) in a way that fails to put anything in any files in /var/log/. Can you see any messages using journalctl?

Configuration files:

smtpd_milters = inet:

That setting is probably wrong. Usually mimedefang is configured to listen on a UNIX-domain socket, so with a pure-defaults mimedefang you'd want this:

smtpd_milters = unix:/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock

Check the -z and -p options that your mimedefang daemon uses to confirm to correct that path.

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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MIMEDefang mailing list MIMEDefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com

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