
I've been trying to use mingw-64 to build the eclipse native launcher

I encountered an issue around the indirect (via preprocessor defines) of

The eclipse code usage of swprintf suggested that the declaration should
match this (from 

  int swprintf( wchar_t *buffer, const wchar_t *format [, argument] ... );

However, the declaration in mingw-w64-headers/crt/swprintf.inl, at least
outside the C++ scope, it is defined with the extra size_t __count

int swprintf (wchar_t *__stream, size_t __count, const wchar_t 
*__format, ...)

I mention the C++ scope, because the declaration in the same
swprintf.inl file seems to conflict with the one above it (and match
that of the MSDN link):

#ifdef __cplusplus

extern "C++" {

int swprintf (wchar_t *__stream, const wchar_t *__format, ...)

So my first confusion is the mismatch in the same file.

The second is, I've also seen an article which shows the second,
problematic (for the eclipse build) form:


The third confusion is that I've already seen that mingw-64 developers
seemingly rejected the first form I've specified. That's what I gather
from the rejection of this bug:


and another bit of discussion I can no longer bring up.

I've thrown a bit out there. So first thing is, it is not a
bug/incorrect for the two different declarations to be in swprint.inl?

Is the eclipse code wrong to use the first form, over the second? The
code is C and not C++.

Thanks in advance,

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