
I am pleased to announce the availability of the 1.4-beta1 release of
win-builds.org, available at http://win-builds.org/web-test .

The win-builds.org project is a package manager along with accompanying
free software packages. Everything can be ran on Windows (with or
without MSYS*/Cygwin), Linux and other systems. It focuses on stability
and versatility.

This version has focused on improving all the issues found during the
stabilization phase of the 1.3 version but couldn't be fixed without
changes too large for a stabilization phase.

Despite being at beta1, this version should be safe to try. In
particular, it doesn't set any environment variable and will not
overwrite anything.

Main changes:
- much simpler installation and package update on Windows
- all package manager tools have been merged in a statically-linked
  executable which is its own self-deploying installer
- numerous small bug fixes
- package updates
- removal of the chroot for Linux usage; build has ben fully tested on
  Debian Jessie and Slackware Linux
- updated documentation

Known issues (all of which are to be fixed in the coming days):
- at the end of installation on Windows, libwinpthread.dll must be
  manually copied from <triplet>/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll to bin/
  (will be fixed in next update by setting --bindir)
- some symlinks for ICU libs are broken
- libarchive is built with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS set to 32
- yypkg.exe adapts its UI whether it is started from command-line or not
  but the detection is not reliable (code to fix is already written)

- this version is not compatible with an installation of 1.3; if you
  wish to install it at the same location as 1.3, simply rename the 1.3
  installation directory to something else (e.g. append ".bak" to its
- the list of dependencies to install on linux is still partial; input
  is needed to improve distribution coverage

Every comment is welcome. Happy testing.

Adrien Nader

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