I'm trying to build a program in Cygwin using the x86_64-w64-mingw32 stuff. 
When I compile and link my program just with x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe, it 
compiles and links fine. But when I try to use a makefile to compile and link 
in separate steps, it gives the following errors:

$ make -f spi_comm.mkming-ld -o spi_comm.exe spi_comm.o 
spi_comm.o:spi_comm.c:(.text+0x33): undefined reference to 
`__mingw_vfprintf'ming-ld: spi_comm.o:spi_comm.c:(.text+0x72): undefined 
reference to `__imp___acrt_iob_func'ming-ld: 
spi_comm.o:spi_comm.c:(.text+0x83): undefined reference to 
`__mingw_vfprintf'ming-ld: spi_comm.o:spi_comm.c:(.text+0x1b6): undefined 
reference to `__imp___acrt_iob_func'ming-ld: 
spi_comm.o:spi_comm.c:(.text+0x1e0): undefined reference to `exit'ming-ld: 
spi_comm.o:spi_comm.c:(.text+0x20f): undefined reference to 
`__imp___acrt_iob_func'ming-ld: spi_comm.o:spi_comm.c:(.text+0x239): undefined 
reference to `exit'ming-ld: spi_comm.o:spi_comm.c:(.text+0x245): undefined 
reference to `__imp___acrt_iob_func'ming-ld: 
spi_comm.o:spi_comm.c:(.text+0x263): undefined reference to `exit'ming-ld: 
spi_comm.o:spi_comm.c:(.text+0x27a): undefined reference to `__main'make: *** 
[spi_comm.mk:28: spi_comm.exe] Error 1

I suppose I need to name the mingw libraries to include at the linker step, but 
how can I identify which libraries are needed? There is quite a long list under 
/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib. I've searched in vain for a 
solution to the __mingw_vfprintf library reference. Is there a standard C 
library that I should name for the linker?
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