I checked your site again this morning and it appears to have updated properly.

I am therefore making your site live in the mirror list.

It would still be good if you could join the OMPI mirrors mailing list, though.

On Jun 16, 2008, at 11:36 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

The network/system administrator forwarded your message to me (it went to the sysadmin e-mail address, not this mirrors list).

Thanks for mirroring the OMPI web site!

I assume you have seen the mirroring instructions:


Our typical modus operandi is to add your site to our list of mirrors so that the jolly roger flag disappears in the bottom left. Then we watch for the auto update to make this take effect on your web site. If all goes well, we enable your listing on the / community/mirrors/ page.

So I've added your site; let's see if the auto-update tonight makes the Germany flag appear in the lower left on your site.

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: [Fwd: [Osl-sysadmin] mirror site at www.preis.de/open-mpi/]


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Osl-sysadmin] mirror site at www.preis.de/open-mpi/
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 15:38:33 +0200
From: Sascha Pareigat <sascha.parei...@preis.de>
Reply-To: OSL Syadmin List <osl-sysad...@osl.iu.edu>
To: w...@open-mpi.org


we mirror your site at http://www.preis.de/open-mpi/

We update our mirror site every night at 02:30 MET. Our Server is located in Hamburg, Germany.

text for tagline: Preis.de
hostname of the server: www.preis.de

Is there somthing else we can do to become an official Open MPI mirror and list at your site?

Kind regards
Sascha Pareigat

Preis.de - Einfach. Vergleichen.
ein Dienst der comparado GmbH

Auf der Hude 87
21339 Lüneburg
Tel.: +49 4131 999 32 80
Fax:  +49 4131 999 32 81
Email: sascha.parei...@preis.de
Managing Directors:
Philipp Schrader
Tobias Ossig

- DongInn

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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