Hello all,

 I'm running OpenBSD/sparc64 on a SUN Blade 150. The last month i had
some strange lockups. The machine was just freezing, but it didn't follow
any pattern (e.g it didn't freeze while i was doing make build, but sometimes
while it was idle, other times while i was online surfing , etc).
  Today while I was booting i had a kernel panic. I'm suspecting that this
is a hardware problem, but I'm hoping someone has a better idea of what
is happening (or even what part is failing). Testing using OpenBoot says
that all tests are passing ok.

  The messages are following:
ned:(~)%> uname -a                                                    
OpenBSD ned.di.uoa.gr 3.9 GENERIC#3 sparc64

and the log from the panic :

data error type 32 sfsr=0 sfra=487f8000 afsr=84000000 afra=1fe02000600 
data fault: pc=1304e58 addr=487f8000 sfr=0
panic: kernel fault
kdb breakpoint at 13345c0
Stopped at Debugger+0x4: nop

data_access_error(190179c0,400,1fe02000600,84000000,487f8000,0) at 
trapbase(fffffffffffffffc,2387d80,1b69fe83e,6,fffffffffffffffc) at 
alipm_smb_exec(238b100,1,18,0,8,19017d4e) at alipm_smb_exec+0x2b4
iic_exec(238b158,1,18,19017d4f,1,19017d4e) at iic_exec+0x1d8
admtemp_refresh(2373a00,2,0,4489ae53,0,1800) at admtemp_refresh+0xec
sensor_task_thread(bdd64c0,20,0,0,0,1800) at sensor_task_thread+0x12c
proc_trampoline(0,0,0,0,0,0) at proc_trampoline+0x4


 PID     PPID    PGRP    UID     S       FLAGS           WAIT           COMMAND
23275   12903   12903     73     2         0x104                        syslogd
12903       1   12903      0     3          0x84        netio           syslogd
 6485       1    6485      0     2        0x4006                        sh
   12       0       0      0     3      0x100204        crypto_wa       crypto
   11       0       0      0     3      0x100204        aiodoned        aiodoned
   10       0       0      0     3      0x100204        syncer          update
   9        0       0      0     3      0x100204        cleaner         cleaner
   8        0       0      0     3      0x100204        reaper          reaper
   7        0       0      0     3      0x100204        pgdaemon        
   6        0       0      0     2      0x100604                        pfpurge
   5        0       0      0     3      0x100204        usbtsk          usbtask
   4        0       0      0     3      0x100204        usbevt          usb0
*  3        0       0      0     7      0x100204                        sensors
   2        0       0      0     3      0x100204        kmalloc         kmthread
   1        0       1      0     3        0x4084        wait            init
   0       -1       0      0     3       0x80204        scheduler       swapper
22621    6485    6485      0     5        0x6002                        swapctl

  I did write the message down and i rewrote it to this email. Hopefully i 
made any typo.

  Thanks a lot in advance.

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