On Mon, Jun 9, 2014, at 2:22, Alex-P. Natsios wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> For a few weeks i was wondering what happened to the projects that have
> been accepted for this year's Google Summer of Code.
> I have run a quick search but haven't found anything meaningful
> (whether there are any reports of progress, where the in-progress code is
> hosted etc).
> I am highly interested in the accepted projects and would like to be
> able to witness how stuff progress (esp. if they really are to be
> adopted by the end of GSoC).
> -- 
> Regards,
> Alex-P. Natsios
> (a.k.a Drakevr)

Sure. Hi! I'm Greg, currently working on the DHCP configuration parsing
code, migrating it from a manual parser to a yacc(1) one. I am mostly
talking to krw@ and matthieu@ right now but hopefully I can talk on
tech@ about my work soon.

If you have any questions, please ask away!

-- gregoire

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