This one's got me stumped for a few days now...

How is it possible to control the network interface numbering assignment order?

Here's my specific case: the box has 2 on-board Ethernet interfaces and
a 3rd one on a PCI-Express card. They come up as:

   re0: PCI-Express card
   re1: on-board interface #1
   re2: on-board interface #2

A recent event had disabled the PCI card, and the remaining network
interfaces ended up being reassigned (upon the next reboot, of course) as:

   re0: on-board interface #1
   re1: on-board interface #2

Could this have been prevented by forcing network interface assignment
to on-board interface _first_, then the PCI card? Or is there a way to
bind network interface assignment to the adapter's MAC address as
numbering hint?


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