I don't usually (ever?) pipe up with my other hat(s) on the
@openbsd.org lists -- but --

With my @debian.org hat on, I'll note that we[1] (and I think Fedora
too?) took issue with the name "ssh3", since it is not using (or even,
frankly, related to) the OpenSSH protocol. It'll parse a few OpenSSH
files, but I think that's about it.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea and concept of rethinking
protocols and playing with concepts by publishing working code to
benchmark based on what we know now -- but it'd be nice to not add
confusion for our users (Oh, should I use ssh or ssh3, ssh3 must be
the new one!).

There was a short email thread about this topic on Debian lists for
interested folks, and an upstream bug that was opened to bikeshed the
name at https://github.com/francoismichel/ssh3/issues/79


[1] for some limited value of "we", meaning, the people involved in
reviewing this package that hasn't been introduced to the distro yet,
not some project vote -- "we" here is consensus of a handful of
developers, not the project.

On Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 9:48 AM Janne Johansson <icepic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Den mån 5 feb. 2024 kl 08:28 skrev Carlos Lopez <clo...@outlook.com>:
> > Hi all,
> > https://blog.apnic.net/2024/02/02/towards-ssh3-how-http-3-improves-secure-shells/
> >
> > Uhmm ... ssh over http/3? What do you think about it?
> The concept of using udp (like wireguard and mosh) to get mobility
> between networks seems nice, quic and tls1.3 also sounds ok in
> themselves, but there might be some issue with the whole of the
> internet services converging into "one ip and one usable port" even if
> a machine may have tens of different services.
> There is some similarity there with how Microsoft would stick all
> services onto tcp/445 and then multiplex it on the server, and that
> makes it weird in terms of wanting to firewall off one service but
> allow other services to a wider range of clients.
> I get that they are early in the process and all that, but it looks
> like there will be a ton of moving parts on the server end to
> accommodate this alongside with the web stuff, and this part is less
> nice.
> --
> May the most significant bit of your life be positive.


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