FWIW, I have been running snapshots/current with full disc encryption on
several machines on DigitalOcean for over a year. Never had any problems.
If you send a detailed description of how you installed OpenBSD and maybe
instructions on how to reproduce the problem you might get better responses.

- Vegar

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-m...@openbsd.org [mailto:owner-m...@openbsd.org] On Behalf
> Of R0me0 ***
> Sent: onsdag 24. august 2016 15.41
> To: OpenBSD Misc <misc@openbsd.org>
> Subject: DigitalOcean and OpenBSD
> Hello everybody !
> Please,
> Anyone  already had a disk corruption running OpenBSD @ DigitalOcean with
> disk encryption ?
> I had this issue for the third time running OpenBSD 5.9 stable branch and
> simple "reboot" == No O/S
> Thanks in advance,

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