"Can't resolve libspec artskde"

I get this error at the package-build stage when making a number of kde
subsystem ports on 3.8-beta.  I end up with a number of failed packages,
such as kdemultimedia, kdepim, koffice.  Non-KDE applications seem to 
package and install just fine.  

This was repeatable, even after doing this level of "cleaning"
before running make on my little list of ports:

1.  pkg_delete /var/db/pkg/*
2.  cd /usr/ports; make clean; rm -rf packages bulk
3.  cd /usr; cvs up -Pd src XF4 ports
4.  make kernel; reboot; make userland


I'm betting its because I upgraded from 3.7-stable to a recent snapshot
instead of doing a completely fresh install.  My process was to boot the bsd.rd
that came with the snapshot, and use the "(U)pgrade" script; followed by
using Mergemaster on /etc, then cvs get a new set of src, XF4, and ports.

I've restored 3.7-stable.  Am willing to try again if someone has suggestions
about my upgrade procedure.  I know that Upgrades are supported -release to
-release, and -stable to -release; I wonder about -release/-stable to

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