
I have a router (Host B in following picture) running with OpenBSD 4.7.
One phyiscal interface is bridged to a VLAN:

A simplified picture of it is:

<Host A>---(vlan759)--<Host B>---------<Host C>
                      ^      ^
                  vlan759    em0
                      \      /

vlan759 sits physically on interface em2,
and vlan759 and interface em0 are bridged via bridge0.

vlan759 has no IP addresses, nor em2.

em0 has an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address.

I can ping (IPv4) from Host B to Host A and to Host C.
I can also ping from Host A to Host C and vice versa.

I can ping6 (IPv6) from Host B to Host C (and vice versa),
but I cannot ping6 between Host B and Host A.

ndp -a shows several hosts running IPv6 addresses, but on
Host A I cannot see the Host B or Host C with ndp -a,
and on Host C and on Host B I cannot see Host A with ndp -a.

I assume, the bridge is not passing NDP packets.

Is this a known problem?

Does anyone have an idea how to solve the problem?


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