not sure where to start with this problem:

i have a compaq proliant 5500 that was running openbsd4.0 with 4
aha-2944's powering 4 sun arrays. i moved a few months back and decided
it was time to bring this server back to life. When i power up the
proliant it hard locks right after probing "hd2". So i rebooted a couple
of times with nothing same thing. so i tryed with the arays off and it
posted no problems. an buddy of mine told me it mght be a curent thing (@
the wall i got 121V with every thing on) . so i tried just one aray and
im back to square 1. so i pulled out this sun ultra10 i had laying around
imstalled openbsd4.1 on it moded the kernel, made my raid.conf script,
rebooted and i was able to post the OS,but disklabel could not read the
labels and stated something about partion c was invalied. so i took a
test linux box off line installed,configed,halted,slaped in the
AHA-2944,powered up just to get the same thing as the proliant( will post
with it off but not when it is on ) . so now im lost . i have swaped out
card's, cable's, tried diffent wall outlets (only 12' from power panel).
i should add that i have both power supluys in the sun aray, and im still
lost (lol)

thank's any one that can help  


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