Ahh the joys of not enough time to follow -current.  

I am finally working on upgrading my machines to 4.0 and have found that
in sysctl.c v1.135[1], Otto changed the output to be simpler[2].
However, I was using some of the output that is now gone for my Nagios
check[3] so the old version is broken.  

That means there is now a new version[4] available that works on OpenBSD
4.0.  I have not done extensive testing, but it seems to work so far.

[2] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=114948953703830&w=2
[3] http://openbsd.somedomain.net/nagios/check_hw_sensors.html
[4] http://openbsd.somedomain.net/nagios/check_hw_sensors-1.21.tar.gz

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Atilla the Hub

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