Ok, here's my quick and dirty hack to get OpenBSD operating on a Nokia
IP330.  Please bear in mind that this is not a fully correct solution,
only a hard-coded workaround for legacy hardware.

- relocate the Nokia hard drive into a surrogate machine
- Install OpenBSD 3.8, be sure to include comp.tgz and misc.tgz.  Reboot.
- retrieve kernel sources and extract into /usr/src/sys
- modify /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand/libsa/bioscons.c in the
following manner: (force n = 2 instead of incorrectly discerning 0
from the com_probe (a small piece of assembly code could probably be
debugged to make this work properly, but it is beyond the scope of
this workaround '__asm __volatile(DOINT(0x11) : "=a" (n) : : "%ecx",
"%edx", "cc");'))

<         n >>= 9;
<         n &= 7;
>       n = 2; /* We know there are two com ports -- force it */
- Set your console to com0 in /etc/boot.conf and tty00 in /etc/ttys
- Remove the drive from the surrogate machine and reinstall into the IP330

I'll post a more thorough installation/caveat write-up on these
devices soon enough, but for now the masses of you that eMailed me
privately have a hack to get your OpenBSD fix on legacy Nokia

Good luck.

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