
I've been through diagnosing this problem with the folks on the lighttpd forum (see http://redmine.lighttpd.net/boards/2/topics/show/398), but have been stymied at every attempt to diagnose the cause, and will need some help from those more enlightened than myself.

A basic summary of our story to this point:

        -I bought an ethernet webcam with a built in webserver (linksys dcs-910)
-I added an entry in my lighttpd.conf to serve content from the camera on my domain's external IPs -Everything works fine, until I try and retrieve the MJPEG file through the lighttpd proxy -There is a segfault, and the lighttpd process disappears without logging any errors -I compiled the latest version of lighttpd with debug symbols, and ran in gdb. Still segfaults and dumps me out of gdb to the command line -I ran lighttpd in pmdb, and set it to ignore PIPE signals. It locks the system HARD. -I tried enabling core-dumps in lighttpd, but none were produced with the segfault. Checked ulimit to make sure they were enabled.

Anyone have a clue? I'm running 4.4 on a PC-Engines Alix 2c3 with the generic kernel.


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