The following applies to OpenBSD 5.5 & 5.6, I didn't tried this with any
previous release. I am runnig OpenBSD in VirtualBox.


Says that all you have to do to compile an exe is:

$ export PATH=/usr/local/mingw32/bin:${PATH}
$ g++ CreateFile.cpp -o CreateFile.exe

But I get a bunch of errors. After googling and trying a few things,
I got this to work by doing it this way:

$ g++ -I/usr/local/mingw32/include CreateFile.cpp -o CreateFile.exe

I tested this solution with the provided test code in the pkg-readme &
a very small non GUI program I did for a school assignment. The exes
worked fine in a Windows7 x64 virtual machine.

Is this the obvious solution to the error or am I doing something wrong?

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