
I got Samhain
installed on a 4.1

The default configuration file for it is written for a FreeBSD system.
Are there people out there who use Samhain on OpenBSD if so could you
please help me tune the configuration file to use it with OpenBSD.

The default configuration file is given below.

Thank you so much :-)

Kind Regards


# FreeBSD Configuration file  for samhain.
# -- empty lines and lines starting with '#', ';' or '//' are ignored
# -- boolean options can be Yes/No or True/False or 1/0
# -- you can PGP clearsign this file -- samhain will check (if compiled
#    with support) or otherwise ignore the signature
# -- CHECK mail address
# To each log facility, you can assign a threshold severity. Only
# reports with at least the threshold severity will be logged
# to the respective facility (even further below).
# SETUP for file system checking:
# (i)   There are several policies, each has its own section. Put files
#       into the section for the appropriate policy (see below).
# (ii)  Section [EventSeverity]:
#       To each policy, you can assign a severity (further below).
# (iii) Section [Log]:
#       To each log facility, you can assign a threshold severity. Only
#       reports with at least the threshold severity will be logged
#       to the respective facility (even further below).

# Files are defined with: file = /absolute/path
# Directories are defined with:                  dir = /absolute/path
# or with an optional recursion depth (N <= 99): dir = N/absolute/path
# Directory inodes are checked. If you only want to check files
# in a directory, but not the directory inode itself, use (e.g.):
# [ReadOnly]
# dir = /some/directory
# [IgnoreAll]
# file = /some/directory
# You can use shell-style globbing patterns, like: file = /path/foo*

## Add or subtract tests from the policies
## - if you want to change their definitions,
##   you need to do that before using the policies
# RedefReadOnly = (no default)
# RedefAttributes=(no default)
# RedefLogFiles=(no default)
# RedefGrowingLogFiles=(no default)
# RedefIgnoreAll=(no default)
# RedefIgnoreNone=(no default)
# RedefUser0=(no default)
# RedefUser1=(no default)

# --------- / --------------

dir = 0/

file = /
file = /proc
file = /entropy
file = /tmp
file = /var

# --------- /dev -----------

dir = 99/dev

file = /dev/ttyp?

## pseudo terminals are created/removed as needed
IgnoreAdded = /dev/(p|t)typ.*
IgnoreMissing = /dev/(p|t)typ.*

# --------- /etc -----------

## for these files, only access time is ignored
dir = 99/etc

# --------- /boot -----------

dir = 99/boot

# --------- /bin, /sbin -----------

dir = 99/bin
dir = 99/sbin

# --------- /lib -----------

dir = 99/lib

# --------- /libexec -----------

dir = 99/libexec

# --------- /rescue -----------

dir = 99/rescue

# --------- /root -----------

## for these files, only changes in permissions and ownership are checked
dir = 99/root

# --------- /stand -----------

dir = 99/stand

# --------- /usr -----------

dir = 99/usr

dir = /usr/.snap
dir = /usr/share/man/cat?
file = /usr/compat/linux/etc
file = /usr/compat/linux/etc/ld.so.cache

dir = -1/usr/home

# --------- /var -----------


dir = 0/var

## for these files, changes in signature, timestamps, and size are ignored


## For these files, changes in signature, timestamps, and increase in size
## are ignored. Logfile rotation will cause a report because of shrinking
## size and different inode.
dir = 99/var/log

# rotated logs will change inode
file = /var/log/*.[0-9].bz2
file = /var/log/*.[0-9].log
file = /var/log/*.[0-9]
file = /var/log/*.[0-9][0-9]
file = /var/log/*.old

file = /var/log/sendmail.st

# Various naming schemes for rotated logs
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+$
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+\.gz$
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+\.bz2$
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+\.log$

## for these files, all modifications (even access time) are reported
##    - you may create some interesting-looking file (like /etc/safe_passwd),
##      just to watch whether someone will access it ...

## User0 and User1 are sections for files/dirs with user-definable checking
## (see the manual)

## Here you can assign severities to policy violations.
## If this severity exceeds the treshold of a log facility (see below),
## a policy violation will be logged to that facility.

# Severity for verification failures.
# SeverityReadOnly=crit
# SeverityLogFiles=crit
# SeverityGrowingLogs=crit
# SeverityIgnoreNone=crit
# SeverityAttributes=crit
# SeverityUser0=crit
# SeverityUser1=crit

## We have a file in IgnoreAll that might or might not be present.
## Setting the severity to 'info' prevents messages about deleted/new file.
# SeverityIgnoreAll=crit

## Files : file access problems
# SeverityFiles=crit

## Dirs  : directory access problems
# SeverityDirs=crit

## Names : suspect (non-printable) characters in a pathname
# SeverityNames=crit

## Switch on/OFF log facilities and set their threshold severity
## Values: debug, info, notice, warn, mark, err, crit, alert, none.
## 'mark' is used for timestamps.
## Use 'none' to SWITCH OFF a log facility
## By default, everything equal to and above the threshold is logged.
## The specifiers '*', '!', and '=' are interpreted as
## 'all', 'all but', and 'only', respectively (like syslogd(8) does,
## at least on Linux). Examples:
## MailSeverity=*
## MailSeverity=!warn
## MailSeverity==crit

## E-mail
# MailSeverity=none

## Console
# PrintSeverity=info

## Logfile
# LogSeverity=mark

## Syslog
# SyslogSeverity=none

## Remote server (yule)
# ExportSeverity=none

## External script or program
# ExternalSeverity = none

## Logging to a database
# DatabaseSeverity = none

## Logging to a Prelude-IDS
# PreludeSeverity = crit

# Optional modules

# [SuidCheck]
## --- Check the filesystem for SUID/SGID binaries

## Switch on
# SuidCheckActive = yes

## Interval for check (seconds)
# SuidCheckInterval = 7200

## Alternative: crontab-like schedule
# SuidCheckSchedule = NULL

## Directory to exclude
# SuidCheckExclude = NULL

## Limit on files per second (0 == no limit)
# SuidCheckFps = 0

## Alternative: yield after every file
# SuidCheckYield = no

## Severity of a detection
# SeveritySuidCheck = crit

## Quarantine SUID/SGID files if found
# SuidCheckQuarantineFiles = yes

## Method for Quarantining files:
#  0 - Delete the file.
#  1 - Remove SUID/SGID permissions from file.
#  2 - Move SUID/SGID file to quarantine dir.
# SuidCheckQuarantineMethod = 0

## For method 1 and 3, really delete instead of truncating
# SuidCheckQuarantineDelete = yes

# [Kernel]
## --- Check for loadable kernel module rootkits (Linux/FreeBSD only)

## Switch on/off
# KernelCheckActive = True

## Check interval (seconds); btw., the check is VERY fast
# KernelCheckInterval = 300

## Severity
# SeverityKernel = crit

# [Utmp]
## --- Logging of login/logout events

## Switch on/off
# LoginCheckActive = True

## Severity for logins, multiple logins, logouts
# SeverityLogin=info
# SeverityLoginMulti=warn
# SeverityLogout=info

## Interval for login/logout checks
# LoginCheckInterval = 300

# [Database]
## --- Logging to a relational database

## Database name
# SetDBName = samhain

## Database table
# SetDBTable = log

## Database user
# SetDBUser = samhain

## Database password
# SetDBPassword = (default: none)

## Database host
# SetDBHost = localhost

## Log the server timestamp for received messages
# SetDBServerTstamp = True

## Use a persistent connection
# UsePersistent = True

# [External]
## Interface to call external scripts/programs for logging

## The absolute path to the command
## - Each invocation of this directive will end the definition of the
##   preceding command, and start the definition of
##   an additional, new command
# OpenCommand = (no default)

## Type (log or srv)
## - log for log messages, srv for messages received by the server
# SetType = log

## The command (full command line) to execute
# SetCommandLine = (no default)

## The environment (KEY=value; repeat for more)
# SetEnviron = TZ=(your timezone)

## The TIGER192 checksum (optional)
# SetChecksum = (no default)

## User who runs the command
# SetCredentials = (default: samhain process uid)

## Words not allowed in message
# SetFilterNot = (none)

## Words required (ALL of them)
# SetFilterAnd = (none)

## Words required (at least one)
# SetFilterOr = (none)

## Deadtime between consecutive calls
# SetDeadtime = 0

## Add default environment (HOME, PATH, SHELL)
# SetDefault = no

# Miscellaneous configuration options


## whether to become a daemon process
## (this is not honoured on database initialisation)
# Daemon = no
Daemon = yes

# whether to test signature of files (init/check/none)
# - if 'none', then we have to decide this on the command line -
# ChecksumTest = none

# Set nice level (-19 to 19, see 'man nice'),
# and I/O limit (kilobytes per second; 0 == off)
# to reduce load on host.
# SetNiceLevel = 0
# SetIOLimit = 0

## The version string to embed in file signature databases
# VersionString = NULL

## Interval between time stamp messages
# SetLoopTime = 60
SetLoopTime = 600

## Interval between file checks
# SetFileCheckTime = 600
SetFileCheckTime = 7200

## Alternative: crontab-like schedule
# FileCheckScheduleOne = NULL

## Alternative: crontab-like schedule(2)
# FileCheckScheduleTwo = NULL

## Report only once on modified files
## Setting this to 'FALSE' will generate a report for any policy
## violation (old and new ones) each time the daemon checks the file system.
# ReportOnlyOnce = True

## Report in full detail
# ReportFullDetail = False

## Report file timestamps in local time rather than GMT
# UseLocalTime = No

## The console device (can also be a file or named pipe)
## - There are two console devices. Accordingly, you can use
##   this directive a second time to set the second console device.
##   If you have not defined the second device at compile time,
##   and you don't want to use it, then:
##   setting it to /dev/null is less effective than just leaving
##   it alone (setting to /dev/null will waste time by opening
##   /dev/null and writing to it)
# SetConsole = /dev/console

## Activate the SysV IPC message queue
# MessageQueueActive = False

## If false, skip reverse lookup when connecting to a host known
## by name rather than IP address (i.e. trust the DNS)
# SetReverseLookup = True

## --- E-Mail ---

# Only highest-level (alert) reports will be mailed immediately,
# others will be queued. Here you can define, when the queue will
# be flushed (Note: the queue is automatically flushed after
# completing a file check).
# SetMailTime = 86400

## Maximum number of mails to queue
# SetMailNum = 10

## Recipient (max. 8)

## Mail relay (IP address)
# SetMailRelay = NULL

## Custom subject format
# MailSubject = NULL

## --- end E-Mail ---

## Path to the executable. If set, will be checksummed after startup
## and before exit.
# SamhainPath = (no default)

## The IP address of the log server
# SetLogServer = (default: compiled-in)

## The IP address of the time server
# SetTimeServer = (default: compiled-in)

## Trusted Users (comma delimited list of user names)
# TrustedUser = (no default; this adds to the compiled-in list)

## Path to the file signature database
# SetDatabasePath = (default: compiled-in)

## Path to the log file
# SetLogfilePath = (default: compiled-in)

## Path to the PID file
# SetLockPath = (default: compiled-in)

## The digest/checksum/hash algorithm
# DigestAlgo = TIGER192

## Custom format for message header.
## CAREFUL if you use XML logfile format.
## %S severity
## %T timestamp
## %C class
## %F source file
## %L source line
# MessageHeader="%S %T "

## Don't log path to config/database file on startup
# HideSetup = False

## The syslog facility, if you log to syslog
# SyslogFacility = LOG_AUTHPRIV

## The message authentication method
## - If you change this, you *must* change it
##   on client *and* server

## The Prelude-IDS profile to use for reporting
## default value is "samhain"
# PreludeProfile = samhain

## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'info' severity
# PreludeMapToInfo =

## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'low' severity
# PreludeMapToLow = debug info

## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'medium' severity
# PreludeMapToMedium = notice warn err

## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'high' severity
# PreludeMapToHigh = crit alert

# everything below is ignored

# This would be the proper syntax for parts that should only be
#    included for certain hosts.
# You may enclose anything in a @HOSTNAME/@end bracket, as long as the
#    result still has the proper syntax for the config file.
# You may have any number of @HOSTNAME/@end brackets.
# HOSTNAME should be the fully qualified 'official' name
#    (e.g. 'nixon.watergate.com', not 'nixon'), no aliases.
#    No IP number - except if samhain cannot determine the
#    fully qualified hostname.
# file=/foo/bar
# @end
# These are two examples for conditional inclusion/exclusion
# of a machine based on the output from 'uname -srm'
# $Linux:2.*.7:i666
# file=/foo/bar3
# $end
# !$Linux:2.*.7:i686
# file=/foo/bar2
# $end

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