A heads-up to those that care...
Due to local support issues, I will soon have to shut down the OpenBSD
mirror, "obsd.cec.mtu.edu", which has served as a second-level mirror
for the last almost four years.

To discourage its use as a feeder for third-level mirrors, I'll be
shutting down rsync for the outside world on Monday, January 9th.

Mirrors feeding from obsd.cec.mtu.edu need to find a new system to pull
from immediately, so you continue to provide your users with quality

The rest of the mirror will remain up until the end of January, or until
something happens that takes the system down (we no longer have anyone
on site who will be taking time from their day to reset or repair the
system, which is the primary reason it is being shut down; it can't be
properly maintained as a 2nd-level mirror should be).

I do wish to thank Michigan Technological University for the use of
their bandwidth, power and air conditioning for the last four years!

(and with a little luck and a lot of begging, I *may* have a worthy
successor in the not too distant future).


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