Running 4.1 generic kernel w. RAID1 on AMD64.
Checking a users quota freezes the system and renders it useless.

I have implemented quotas like described in the FAQ

1) alter /etc/fstab: /dev/raid0f /var ffs rw,userquota,softdep,nodev 1 2 <-- This is a 60GB slice
2) create a test quota file for existing user 'johndoe'
3) quotaon -a
4) quota johndoe

At point 4 the system stops responding.
The server stays up and I can ping / login through SSH, however it never lets me pass after the password, it just hangs.
The webserver (which reads files from /var/) doesn't work anymore either.
I drove to the DC but still could not login as root. I could login as johndoe but su-ing to root gave the same problems.

Hard rebooting helped, but the machine then hanged during startup on 'Checking quota's: ' - or so it seems. I waited 10 minutes - nothing happened. So CTRL-C'd it and removed it from /etc/fstab to prevent further problems. The only thing I can think of is that /var is 'just too big'..? Or could this be caused by a wrongly edited quota.user file?

Any help is appreciated!


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