Wondering if someone can help point me in the right direction.
relayd keeps crashing on me, I suspect someone is attacking using corrupted
packets in someway.
Other attacks are much higher than normal (application layer)
States look look inline (less than 5k) processor usage about 20 percent
Running on KVM, Fully patched -Stable (6.4)

Anyway right before the relay stop working, I am getting errors such as:
session failed: Operation timed out
bindany failed, invalid socket: Invalid argument
Socket is not connected: Socket is not connected
relay exiting, pid [XXXXX]

Can anyone point me in the right direction to get more logging/how to
investigate the errors I am getting?
rcctl restart relayd always fixes the issue
interment problem, but when an issue it will crash every couple minutes

Config is:
interval 30
log state changes
log connection
prefork 10

vip01 = ""
table <web01> { }

relay webRedirect0180 {
        listen on $vip01 port 80
        transparent forward to <web01> port 80 \
                mode loadbalance check tcp
relay webRedirect01443 {
        listen on $vip01 port 443
        transparent forward to <web01> port 443 \
                mode loadbalance check tcp
...repeats about 20 times w/ different VIPs

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