This is the day I've been dreading for just under two years of trouble free service. My colocated server which is a 4 hour drive away has broken.

It is hanging on the white-on-blue boot message at

Kernelized Raidframe activated

and will proceed no further. According to the on site tech there appears to be no HDD activity. If the parity set was dirty it would continue past this to the 'raid0: Initiating re-write of parity' message.

Box details - OpenBSD3.4 release i386 generic with raidframe, 2x200GB EIDE drives in raidframe mirror, 1u rack, IDE DVD-Rom, PIII 1.2Ghz, 1GB Ram.

I've never seen it hang at this line before. The tech says he can shift-page-up/page-down but alt-ctrl-del and enter are non-responsive.

Please has anyone experienced this before? The box was being rebooted at the time and was working perfectly just seconds before.

Can anyone suggest a course of action? would you advise yanking a HD one after the other to see what happens or perhaps trying to boot in single user (and if so how and what to try)?

many thanks in advance

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