Steve Williams wrote:

I have been running spamdb greylisting only for several years as my only line of defense at home. At work I have managed to sneak in a Sparc64 Sunfire 120 (OpenBSD 3.9) as a caching web proxy & default gateway.

Today, we had a fairly agressive attack on our email system, 6000+ emails in a relatively short period of time. I took the opportunity to deploy greylisting on the OpenBSD box (which is our first line of defense... first of many).

It's performed well, and is up to about 300 email servers whitelisted. I know from personal experience that Bell in Ontario (at the minimum) and a few other ISP's have server pools that do not cooperate nicely with greylisting. They do not guarantee the same server will retry sending the email when it's blocked by spamdb (451 temporary failure).

On my computer at home, I notice these entries when I do a spamdb | more and see something like:

GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1161299154|1161313554|1161313554|1|0 GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1161296098|1161310498|1161310498|1|0 GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1161300604|1161315004|1161315004|1|0 GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1161302039|1161316439|1161316439|1|0 GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1161294517|1161308917|1161308917|1|0 GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1161292315|1161306715|1161306715|1|0 GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1161297659|1161312059|1161312059|1|0

On my personal email server, it happens VERY seldom. On our work server, it only took a couple of hours for this to show up. It looks like Yahoo might be the same way.

I am 99% sure that I have seen on the internet SOMEWHERE a "whitelist" of servers that are like this. I thought Bob Beck had forwarded one at one point in time, but I can only find his post regarding the tarfile he maintains for the "zombie" hosts.

Bob, if you are listening, what do you do at the U of A to handle these mis-behaving server pools? Anyone else??

Steve Williams
Thank you everyone, quite a wealth of information! It is interesting that a google for "whitelist" doesn't return, within the first 1000 hits, while a google for "whitelistING" returns it in the top 10. I guess I failed miserably on my google incantations last night.

Thanks again everyone!

Steve Williams

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