Any Twiki admins having this problem?:

When editing a page RCS errors are shown in the browser, but the page is
updated fine without any changelog. Browser displays this:


Topic save error

During save of file TWiki.WebHome an error was found by the version
control system. Please notify your TWiki administrator.

/usr/bin/ci -l -q -mnone -t-none -d'2007/10/05 05:09:32' -w'CraigSkinner' 
'/var/www/htdocs/twiki/data/TWiki/WebHome.txt,v' 2>&1
ci: /var/www/htdocs/twiki/data/TWiki/WebHome.txt,v: Date 2007/10/05 04:09:32 
precedes 2007/10/05 04:09:32 in revision 1.1.

Go back in your browser and save your changes locally. 

This is the dir listing:

$ ls -l WebHome.*
-rw-rw-r--  1 www  www    23 Oct  8 12:50 WebHome.lock
-rw-r--r--  1 www  www  5197 Oct  8 12:56 WebHome.txt
-r--r--r--  1 www  www  5385 Oct  8 12:56 WebHome.txt,v

$ uname -a
OpenBSD 4.1 GENERIC#1435 i386

$ pkg_info -I TWiki
TWiki-20040903p0    web-based collaboration platform

The nearest bug I could find does not seem to be relevant as it was
fixed for this release;

Any suggestions?
Craig Skinner | | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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