I'm attempting to make a serial console install disk using the no-emulation boot sector provided. Following http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/distrib/i386/cdfs/Makefile?rev=1.7&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup, I can see that you do a standard dirctory setup as shown below (I've essentially just copied my 4.2 CD disk1 in this case) and I've modified boot.conf to include the necessary "set tty com0" line:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/ceidem$ ls bsd42/
4.2 etc

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/ceidem$ ls bsd42/etc/

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/ceidem$ cat bsd42/etc/boot.conf
set image /4.2/i386/bsd.rd
set tty com0

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/ceidem$ ls bsd42/4.2/
i386     packages

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/ceidem$ ls bsd42/4.2/i386/ INSTALL.i386 base42.tgz bsd.rd comp42.tgz floppyC42.fs misc42.tgz xfont42.tgz INSTALL.linux boot.catalog cd42.iso etc42.tgz game42.tgz pxeboot xserv42.tgz MD5 bsd cdboot floppy42.fs index.txt xbase42.tgz xshare42.tgz TRANS.TBL bsd.mp cdbr floppyB42.fs man42.tgz xetc42.tgz

I then create an ISO image using the following command:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/ceidem$ mkhybrid -a -R -T -L -d -D -N -o bsd42ser.iso -v -v -b 4.2/i386/cdbr -c 4.2/i386/boot.catalog ./bsd42/

or I'll use

mkhybrid -R -T -o bsd42ser.iso -no-emul-boot -v -v -b 4.2/i386/cdbr -c 4.2/i386/boot.catalog ./bsd42/

on my Linux box. Either case provides a functional, bootable disk but without the serial console. What am I misunderstanding and/or missing?
Thanks in advance,
- chris

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