hello folks, 

I have a problem with geo/josm keyboard shortcuts under cwm(1). fvwm(1)
does not show this problem. other apps (e.g. graphics/qiv) do not show
the problem under cwm(1). Therefore it appears to me it's a combination
of java X gui apps and cwm(1) that eats the keyboard shortcuts.

symptoms: keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+q, ctrl+o, ...) have no effect. Some
simple keystrokes behave equally bad: opening a menu with the mouse,
navigating up/down with the up/down keys does not work. normal text
input in dialogs works.

wanted: clue sticks, help on debugging. 

note: before you say: "hey, you are using a X gui app, so darn use your
mouse" please note that josm is close to unusable without keyboard

jxplorer and projectlibre (as other java X gui apps) do not seem to use
keyboard shortcuts at all or I could not find them. Thus I could not
test whether they behave differently.

Thanks for your time, Marcus

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