I'm using windows groups with sticky.

unbind-key  all

bind-key    M-1           group-only-1
bind-key    M-2           group-only-2
sticky yes

Usually I can keep all my windows in whatever group they were opened in. On
occasion, I must be typing in some strange key combination and I end up
getting some or all of the windows on my current screen bound to no group.

I don't have any keys bound to 'window-stick' which seems like it would
do exactly this. I don't have any keys bound to group-only-0. When windows
start going into all/nogroup mode, it becomes very frustrating. I can't focus
into a nogroup xterm for typing unless I kill or move any windows which are
members of the current group. I can't move the nogroup windows either. I
can't close them using the meta key delete. These nogroup windows have
some very annoying properties, appropriate for xconsole perhaps.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? 


unbind-key  all

bind-key    M-1           group-only-1
bind-key    M-2           group-only-2
bind-key    M-3           group-only-3
bind-key    M-4           group-only-4
bind-key    M-5           group-only-5
bind-key    M-6           group-only-6
bind-key    M-7           group-only-7
bind-key    M-8           group-only-8
bind-key    M-9           group-only-9
bind-key    CM-q           window-delete
bind-key    CM-r           restart
bind-key    M-equal        "mixerctl outputs.master=+10"
bind-key    M-j            window-cycle-ingroup
bind-key    M-k            window-rcycle-ingroup
bind-key    M-minus        "mixerctl outputs.master=-10"
bind-key    M-t            window-maximize
bind-key    SM-1           window-movetogroup-1
bind-key    SM-2           window-movetogroup-2
bind-key    SM-3           window-movetogroup-3
bind-key    SM-4           window-movetogroup-4
bind-key    SM-5           window-movetogroup-5
bind-key    SM-6           window-movetogroup-6
bind-key    SM-7           window-movetogroup-7
bind-key    SM-8           window-movetogroup-8
bind-key    SM-9           window-movetogroup-9

bind-key    SM-Return       "xterm -e top"
bind-key    M-Return        "xterm"

command     firefox        firefox
command     soffice        soffice
command     iridium        iridium
command     xterm          xterm

borderwidth 1
color       activeborder   gray8
color       inactiveborder black
snapdist    4
sticky      yes

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