I am stuck trying to find a piece of kernel code.

I am trying to find the kernel function(s) that update the ifnet structure post
the initial boot sequence.  I found the initial setup in
/usr/src/sys/kern/init_main.c, and I have been reviewing /usr/src/sys/net/if.c.
 At this point, I am not concerned with userland apps that update ifnet.

I am probably overlooking something.

Any man page read suggestions or other source files to look in?

What I am trying to do is figure out a way to capture the ifnet structure
members atomically (I'm experimenting.)  In if.c, the network hardware devices
are blocked (with splnet()) when ifnet is updated or member is deleted from the
list.  I do not know if it makes sense to block the device while walking the
list and copying it in userland.

Any suggestions are appreciated.  I am new to this, so it's taking a long time.


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