Namaste misc,

As a good practice, I tried to limit the virtual and physical memory
available to the svn daemon [1]. To achieve that, I read about login
classes and login.conf(5) [2]:
memoryuse       size            Maximum in core memoryuse size limit.
vmemoryuse      size            Maximum virtual memoryuse size limit.

I then tried to verify the meanings of vmemoryuse and memoryuse. That
led to RLIMIT_VMEM and RLIMIT_RSS. That in turn led to ulimit in
ksh(1) [3] and the following interesting line in that manpage:
-m n
    Impose a limit of n kilobytes on the amount of physical memory used. This 
limit is not enforced.
That in turn led to a mail thread on misc titled "Large datasize - how
to limit physical memory?" [4]. I could not understand much except that
the conversation seems to be the reason behind the "This limit is not
enforced" line in the ksh(1) manpage.

1) Do vmemoryuse (RLIMIT_VMEM) and memoryuse (RLIMIT_RSS, ulimit -m)
actually limit a process' virtual and physical memory?
2) If not, should I set datasize (RLIMIT_DATA, ulimit -d) to limit a
process' memory, assuming that processvirtualmemory=programsize+datasize?


[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -

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