I noticed that my pflow device keeps rebooting with Netflow version 5,
despite "pflowproto 10" being set in /etc/hostname.pflow0. I'm running
OpenBSD 6.5 with the latest patches.

pflow0: flags=41<UP,RUNNING> mtu 1448
index 9 priority 0 llprio 3
pflow: sender: [<IPv6 address>] receiver: [<IPv6 address>]:2055 version: 5
groups: pflow

flowdst [<IPv6 address>]:2055 flowsrc [<IPv6 address>]
pflowproto 10

After boot, if I manually initiate "sh /etc/netstart pflow0", it then
starts using version Netflow v10 as expected. I may be able to add to
/etc/rc.local to do this on reboot, but thought I'd see if there was
anything else that it could be.


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