
I had made a program in 2014, but forgot whether I made it for FreeBSD or
OpenBSD.  This program (found here: https://centroid.eu/public/ttldaemon.c.txt)
changes the default ttl in the system's network stack in order to read out
steganographically a christmas or new years message.

The sysctl(2) manpage says that this value is changeable but it doesn't seem to
have an effect on a 6.8 system.  Did this change in the last 6 years possibly?
Is it a bug?  or intended?  In that case I can remove my ttldaemon.c program.

One way I tested this program was watching the ttl's of a socket connected on
port 25 of my vps and pressing return every X seconds.  (X is around 10 secs)
It didn't change.  Perhaps TCP isn't the right way to monitor this, I forgot
what I used in 2014... could be that I used DNS.  Anyhow the program is not
running for now.

Can someone with knowledge of the IP stack enlighten me whats up with the
ttl sysctl?  Shoudl it at least say no for changeable in the manpage?



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