Hello misc!
I'm trying to make honeypot with smtpd and rspamd

here is some cut from my smtpd.conf:

table honeypot file:/etc/mail/traps
action "trap" mda "/usr/local/bin/rspamc -f 1 -w 10 fuzzy_add"
match !from src <mailer> for rcpt-to <honeypot> action "trap"

the table contains some spoiled adresses from my domain,

and in my action I try to feed mails directly to rspamc, but it looks like there is a problem here :(

Oct 23 06:38:06 gater smtpd[71376]: 09ca23ebba479031 smtp failed-command command="RCPT TO: <aa...@tvema.ru>" result="550 Invalid recipient: <aa...@tvema.ru>"

some experiments showed me, that "normal" delivery methods (for example maildir) work fine, and problem is probably in my "action" rule.

Maybe someone have ideas about it?

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