First of all I would like just to thank developers of OpenBSD for a
great Simple Network Management Protocol daemon and its integration with
OpenBSD built in sensors framework.  With minimal required editing of
/etc/snmpd.conf. I was easily able to pool more info from my OpenBSD
servers from Observium,  network observation and monitoring system than
from any of my fancy Red Hat rigs which also required additional
configuration of lm_sensors daemon. I am using v2c and public community.

I have quick question about SNMPv3 USM with authentication. After
reading man pages for snmpd.conf it is not clear to me if I am suppose
to use md5/sha hashes or plain text words for "password123" and enckey
"321drowssap" in /etc/snmpd.conf file. Every time I tried to force
Observium to use auth SNMPv3 it complained about credentials. This very
well might be Observium issue as they very clearly state that the whole
world should be using Ubuntu or Debian in the worse case and we all know
how well those people read RFC.

By the way if people wonder I collectd from ports also works like a
charm and I have no problem reporting metric to the same remote collectd
server which runs Observium. Observium has no problems displaying
collectd graphs but I have tested only default plugins.  Yesterday I
found a problem with RRD graphs generated from rrd data which came out
of users plugin on Red Hat boxes.  Is there a way to start collectd
daemon as a non privileged user from rc.conf.local rather than

 sudo -u _collectd /usr/local/sbin/collectd

as indicated in the installation message.


P.S. I noticed long awaited update for collectd port and I will try to
set some time to test that thing. It is also very sad that Observium
developers have such a distaste for everything not Ubuntu as I would
prefer to run Observium on OpenBSD box rather than TurnKey appliance
which I am doing right now.

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